Wsa not able to cut it yet...next cutting atempt this week. Post about this again on the 10TH OCTOBER.
Posted 13 years ago
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I gave it a try today but what I am going to do to achieve this goal is to turn around my waking hours as they're quite misplaced right now. So I predict THIS WEEK I may still get closer to this goal.
Still having a hard time. TOMORROW I give it a try hopefully, if not, then on the 12TH OCTOBER. If nothing happens, instead of coming up with new deadlines, I will just postpone this to the 28TH OCTOBER.
Wasn't able to reduce, hope I can this weekend...but let's update by the 4TH OCTOBER when I'll be more certain.
Been trying for a while now, so will tick this as in progress. Today would like to reduce the doseage at least. So updating this tomorrow.