A goal of Elisha Dasenbrock on their 101 Things in 1001 Days list with a status of In Progress.

In Maine: Sarah's Cafe, Brass Compass, Ebb Tide, Camden Deli
In Chicagoland: the buffalo grill at the Zoo. I had a buffalo burger.
In Milwaukee(ish): Milwaukee's Public Market, Kopp's
In Clinton County:
There's this pizza place I went to. I will get the name later.
St. Louis:
The Casino Queen buffet. What? It counts.
In Chicagoland: the buffalo grill at the Zoo. I had a buffalo burger.
In Milwaukee(ish): Milwaukee's Public Market, Kopp's
In Clinton County:
There's this pizza place I went to. I will get the name later.
St. Louis:
The Casino Queen buffet. What? It counts.
Posted 13 years ago