1. My dog
2. A day in the park
3. Waking up and stay in bed for as long as I want
4. Lying in bed with the sound of rain from outside
5. A walk on the beach
6. My niece
7. Sandwich with carpaccio
8. Laughing with tears rolling over my face
9. Driving a car
10. Caipirinha
11. Traveling
12. Going outside without a jacket, just because the weather lets you
13. Reaching a goal
14. Being in love
15. New shoes
16. Going out for dinner
17. Wearing a new outfit
18. USA
19. Fireplace
20. Being told I look nice
21. The softness after shaving my legs
22. Knowing there's tomorrow
23. Music that fits the mood
24. Clean sheets
25. Lying in a hammock
26. The city
27. Fantasizing about somebody, -where, -thing, -time.
28. Holiday
29. Babies
30. My memories
31. Confidence
32. Seeing a senior enjoying the day
33. Finding something I lost
34. Watching wildlife
35. Smell of fresh cut grass
36. Having Tommy over
37. Scent of shampoo in my hair
38. Being tickled on my back
39. First day of snow
40. Taking a long bath
41. Holding hands
42. Italy
43. Parfume Polo of Ralph Lauren
44. A really good movie
45. Being conscious of the good life I'm living
46. Kissing
47. Showering
48. An intresting documentary
49. Curly fries
50. Lamas
51. Having a good conversation
52. Emoes
53. Being told I did something well
54. John Mayer
55. Receiving a postcard
56. Very mild green tea
57. Sydney
58. Sweet strawberries
59. Bonfire
60. Peeking into houses watching its interiors
61. Having strong abs
62. Exploring secret routes in the Belleview Biltmore Resort
63. Smell of good perfume on a man
64. Looking at the picture which shows me lying in a strange position in the middle of the road like I was hit by a car
65. Polka dots
66. Flying Business Class
67. Doing something for the first time
68. Hearing 'Welcome to [Destination]' in an airplane
69. New haircut
70. Winning at the casino
71. Bubbles
72. Untouched nature
73. Meeting interesting people
74. Writing
75. 'Just one drink' evenings