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Member since February 2010
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On one of the schooltoilets walls I have written "Fyll inte livet med dagar, fyll dagarna med liv!" (in english: Don't fill your life with days, fill your days with life!)
But the next day they had washed it away.
Alice in Wonderland/Avatar/(17) Again -

Brollopsfotografen/Baksmallan/Big Fish -

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs/Charlie and the chocolatefactory -
(500) Days of Summer/Dazed and Confused -
Enternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind -
Fucking Amal/Fyra fodelsedagar och ett fiasko/Fjorton suger/Forrest Gump -
Gamer/Grownups/Garden State/Gullivers resor -
H -
I rymden finns inga k?nslor/Inception -
J -
Knowing -
Linas Kvallsbok/Lost in translation/Love Actually -
My sister's keeper -
N?ra och k?ra -
O -
Patrick 1,5/Paranormal Activity -
Q -
Rec -
Smala Sussie/Sandor Slash Ida/Sherlock Holmes/Scott Pilgrim vs The World -
Tjenare Kungen/The virgin suicides/The ugly truth/The hitcher/The butterfly effect/Toy Story 3/The Grinch/The number 23 -
Up -
V -
Where the wild things are/Walk the line -
X -
Y -
Zombieland -

15/3 2010 - In the DN Grattar artikel!
I've just shot a black&white-film, and now I move on to colour!
To a guy who played the accordion outside the supermarket!
?Bought the ticket, myesmyes!
I'm working on iiiiit...
Ticket to a concert with Kent booked!

21/3 2010 - IT WAS AWESOME
A, D, G, C, E-moll
Ticket booked!