Member since February 2010

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On one of the schooltoilets walls I have written "Fyll inte livet med dagar, fyll dagarna med liv!" (in english: Don't fill your life with days, fill your days with life!)
But the next day they had washed it away.
But the next day they had washed it away.
Note added to goal Watch 26 movies I've never seen starting with each letter of the alphabet
Alice in Wonderland/Avatar/(17) Again -
Brollopsfotografen/Baksmallan/Big Fish -
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs/Charlie and the chocolatefactory -
(500) Days of Summer/Dazed and Confused -
Enternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind -
Fucking Amal/Fyra fodelsedagar och ett fiasko/Fjorton suger/Forrest Gump -
Gamer/Grownups/Garden State/Gullivers resor -
H -
I rymden finns inga k?nslor/Inception -
J -
Knowing -
Linas Kvallsbok/Lost in translation/Love Actually -
My sister's keeper -
N?ra och k?ra -
O -
Patrick 1,5/Paranormal Activity -
Q -
Rec -
Smala Sussie/Sandor Slash Ida/Sherlock Holmes/Scott Pilgrim vs The World -
Tjenare Kungen/The virgin suicides/The ugly truth/The hitcher/The butterfly effect/Toy Story 3/The Grinch/The number 23 -
Up -
V -
Where the wild things are/Walk the line -
X -
Y -
Zombieland -
Brollopsfotografen/Baksmallan/Big Fish -
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs/Charlie and the chocolatefactory -
(500) Days of Summer/Dazed and Confused -
Enternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind -
Fucking Amal/Fyra fodelsedagar och ett fiasko/Fjorton suger/Forrest Gump -
Gamer/Grownups/Garden State/Gullivers resor -
H -
I rymden finns inga k?nslor/Inception -
J -
Knowing -
Linas Kvallsbok/Lost in translation/Love Actually -
My sister's keeper -
N?ra och k?ra -
O -
Patrick 1,5/Paranormal Activity -
Q -
Rec -
Smala Sussie/Sandor Slash Ida/Sherlock Holmes/Scott Pilgrim vs The World -
Tjenare Kungen/The virgin suicides/The ugly truth/The hitcher/The butterfly effect/Toy Story 3/The Grinch/The number 23 -
Up -
V -
Where the wild things are/Walk the line -
X -
Y -
Zombieland -
15/3 2010 - In the DN Grattar artikel!
I've just shot a black&white-film, and now I move on to colour!
To a guy who played the accordion outside the supermarket!
?Bought the ticket, myesmyes!
I'm working on iiiiit...
Ticket to a concert with Kent booked!
21/3 2010 - IT WAS AWESOME
21/3 2010 - IT WAS AWESOME

A, D, G, C, E-moll
Ticket booked!