A goal of Lucy Henley on their 101 Things in 1001 Days list with a status of Not Started.

The Handmaid's Tale - Margaret Atwood
The Da Vinci Code - Dan Brown
To Kill A Mockingbird - Harper Lee
1984 - George Orwell
Slaughterhouse 5 - Kurt Vonnegut
Catch-22 - Joseph Heller
We - Yevgeny Zamyatin
The Colour Purple - Alice Walker
Dr Zhivago - Boris Pasternak
Fahrenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury
Lord of the Flies - William Golding
The Metamorphosis - Franz Kafka
The Handmaid's Tale - Margaret Atwood
The Da Vinci Code - Dan Brown
To Kill A Mockingbird - Harper Lee
1984 - George Orwell
Slaughterhouse 5 - Kurt Vonnegut
Catch-22 - Joseph Heller
We - Yevgeny Zamyatin
The Colour Purple - Alice Walker
Dr Zhivago - Boris Pasternak
Fahrenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury
Lord of the Flies - William Golding
The Metamorphosis - Franz Kafka
Posted 10 years ago