A goal of wendy on their 101 Things in 1001 Days list with a status of Done.
A couple of teas on offer at the arts centre up the road from my flat.

8. Mango Tea - Another fruit flavoured black tea, became my regular tea whenever I was in for a while, the box finished about a month ago and hasn't reappeared, suspect it was only me drinking it...
9. Raspberry and Pomegranate - A flavoured green tea, and a very drinkable one at that. Pomegranite seems to be a fairly reliable flavour to put in tea, I've previously had white tea with pomegranite which was rather lovely too.
Posted 7 years ago
Related Notes:
Been trying several different kinds of iced tea, what with the weather being much warmer.

10. Peach Iced Tea
Pickings from the tea mountain at work.

6. Green Tea with Lime - Quite a mellow blend, pleasant, would drink again, but probably wouldn't fork out for a box of my own.
7. Green Tea with Forest Fruits - This tea smelled amazing! But was a bit disappointing to drink, needed steeped for so long (...more)
4. Apricot Tea - A fruit flavoured black tea, not something I'm normally a bit fan of, but in this case really quite nice.
5. Youthberry Tea - A mixture of white tea and fruit tea, fruit flavour completely overwhelms the white tea taste and yet it tastes like a fairly wishy-washy fruit tea. (...more)
3. Earl Grey Blue Flower

(A perfectly nice Earl Grey, nothing special, wouldn't search it out specifically)
1. Ti Kuan Yin
2. Orange Blossom Oolong

(Both really nice white teas, would definitely drink them again, especially Ti Kuan Yin.)