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I have the canvas and the acrylics, so I just need to sketch out a design.
7 Things x 2013
My seven answers to the Day Zero alternative New Year's resolutions poll:
My seven answers to the Day Zero alternative New Year's resolutions poll:
- Learn how to play 5 new songs on the penny whistle
- Start cycling
- Stop snark
- Take a vacation to anywhere!
- Find a job
- Try dedication
- Be more meditative
Thanks to Memrise, I can recognise Aries, Capricornus, Canis Major, Canis Minor, Libra and several others. Now to place them in the sky...
The real goal of which is 'make my own wand'
And with six days to go! 

+2.5 = 15.5 to go in 10 days
+3 = 18 miles to go in 12 days
+1 mile == 21 to go before 8th Aug
+ 7 miles
English Language BA (Hons)

1 mile done today! 

I am one week away from handing it in. It's very exciting.
Just reached level 14! 

King Lear
Romeo and Juliet
A Midsummer Night's Dream
The Merchant of Venice
Twelfth Night
The Tempest
Richard III
Romeo and Juliet
A Midsummer Night's Dream
The Merchant of Venice
Twelfth Night
The Tempest
Richard III
1. The Plough
2. Orion's Belt
3. Cassiopaeia
4. Seven Sisters
2. Orion's Belt
3. Cassiopaeia
4. Seven Sisters
46,500 grains
I have two flourishing house plants: Timmy and Esmerelda. One is over 6ft, the other is stretching towards 1ft.
Send a card, write an email, send a letter, buy a gift - anything.
Three months done!
I had one, but I had to sell it to the pawn shop when I was hungry. I'd really like it back.
I completed the one with the sea quests, Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword. I also completed both the Professor Layton games I had.
When I was younger I'd give up when I got to a difficult bit, so this was an important thing for me to achieve!
When I was younger I'd give up when I got to a difficult bit, so this was an important thing for me to achieve!
If I attend tomorrow's seminar, I've done it!
To try:
1- Watermelon
2- Dragonfruit
3- Starfruit
4- Guava
5- Kumquat
6- Cantaloupe (done!)
7- Pomegranate
8- Passionfruit
9- Pomelo
10- Papaya
1- Watermelon
2- Dragonfruit
3- Starfruit
4- Guava
5- Kumquat
6- Cantaloupe (done!)
7- Pomegranate
8- Passionfruit
9- Pomelo
10- Papaya
Missed two this week - let's hope I can make it up next week!
I just reached Level 13!
It was far easier to write a private list.
I forgot - I did this last year when she visited me.
It was a story about a missing [animal], alas - not a cow. That's not my monster!

Three pages
I can reliably sign the ASL alphabet (slowly) and am practising names. I'll mark it completed when I feel suitably confident about my memorisation. 

Added everyone's birthdays to Google calendar.
I started this, but it was really challenging. I think if I write it somewhere private I might find it easier to overcome the levels of anxiety I have about being seen as conceited.
I've created a poll to find out my friends' birthdays: hopefully this will spur me to create a master list somewhere.
4000 so far
I sent my Mum flowers for mother's day and her birthday.
I compliment C every day, but I'll try it with other people.
I managed this once last term, so I hope I can do it again this term.
The reason this is a task is because I am above the BMI requirements, so it is going to take considerable personal effort.