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Member since June 2017
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Classmate said: Kops (a swedish movie)
Lamb - can't remember when, but i did not like it
Sushi - oct. 18. (Not that good, sorry)
Gulassikeitto - not my cup of tea (see the pattern here?)
Somalian rice and chicken - aug. something. This was really goooood!
Salad with halloumi, onion ans strawberries -august. Strangely really good!
Indian place downtown - sept. I guess. It was kinda okay.

Donate to a charity the final sum, when you're finished
Well, at least i know my way around the manual and semi-manual settings now. But of course, there is always room for development.
Ainon tuliainen
Äitin laukku
Iskän kirjalahja
I have selected the place. Now I just have to wait for a good time to shoot.
I have selected the place. Now I just have to wait for a good time to shoot.
Baked a cake from scratch using melted ice cream 😋
Baked a cake from scratch using melted ice cream 😋
Fearless as in not afraid to try new things, fail or embarass myself. As in being able to wear and do whatever the hell i want, as long as it doesn't hurt others. Fearless as in not caring about what other people think; just living my life, following my dreams and making the world a better place for all of us to live in, one step at a time.