Related Notes:
I'm trying to get a blog post in every week or so... it occasionally works! lol... I don't think I caught them all in here though.
new blog post:
at Amazon Kindle: "The Last Death of the Mutant Queen" by JA Howe
New blog post:
new helium article: I hadn't done tech writing for a bit but I think I might get back into doing it, at least 1x/week. If nothing, it's a tiny bit of extra income.
a tiny bit yesterday... I'll start with some more worldbuilding
writing's been spotty though I managed 30 mins today and some the other day
3hrs 15 mins of a new story: one for the Soul Garden!
I finished the Buink story! *bounce bounce bounce*
1hr blog post
another hr of Medunkna
1hr muddling through Medunkna story - not good

blog yesterday, blog & research today
20 mins on blog...
1hr blog yesterday; 40 mins blog today
1hr 30 mins blog
2hr vlog post at
2hrs 15 on Buink's story - whoah yeah!
1hr = new story
4:30-6am today, first I wrote a (likely bad) poem, then worked on "things that are joyous"
45 mins on a writing prompt
well, I spent a good while trying to figure out my best experiences... and I realized that for me at least, to make the list didn't necessarily mean they had to be entirely positive, more that they needed to be things I learned something from, or got something out of. So they're really the most meaningful experiences for me.
(less)well, I spent a good while trying to figure out my best experiences... and I realized that for me at least, to make the list didn't necessarily mean they had to be entirely positive, more that they needed to be things I learned something from, or got something out of. So they're really the
chapter 17 of Yarrow - it's open-ended, because it could be the end of the tale, and it is for the moment. Maybe forever. I left some things to speculation,or at least possibility.
done some lists, and worked on more of writing via a writing prompt... hm, led me into a darker area of Zagga
done some lists, and worked on more of writing via a writing prompt... hm, led me into a darker area of Zagga
Spent a long time on the 50 questions to free your mind.
#76 - disastrous family picnic -- Thirael story
1hr writing yesterday, I think it's an ok story
#132 - how something broken feels
#132 - how something broken feels... spawned an interesting tale that isn't quite finished - 1hr 30 mins
back to snippets, though I like where this one's going (it has potential at least) - 15 mins
writing prompt for #167
new Kritter story - I haven't written one beginning to end like that in ages!
15 mins writing - it's something!
45 mins on Rubikia; not thinking well today
bad writer; I couldn't get anything out for days... grr. But I did spend 1hr on Rubikia TODAY. That's better.
3:40-4:10am: writing
10 mins actually writing, after an hour doing subday maintenance junk
Nothing yesterday

today though, 1hr 30 mins
20 mins on Rubikia
1hr 30 mins
3 mins writing, 30 mins on Rubikia game -- it isn't stellar, but it's something
20 mins writing
writing: 20 mins
30 mins writing yesterday, today 30 mins writing on Rubikia game
30 more on Rubikia
5:30-6:15am writing on 2 writing prompts... the 2nd one surprised me, I think I might actually glean something out of it! First story idea I've had for Hlith & Hlinn.
2hrs on Rubikia game
1hr on Rubikia game
15 mins on the Buink story; used prompt #46
nothing yesterday

but 1hr 30 mins on the Rubikia game
1hr today - pushed myself to get it but I got it!
been on and off past couple days with writing; 30 mins today, none yesterday

grr... comp problems, but I did do some writing - actually a lot - yesterday. 20 mins' actual story work, and then 3hrs more of working on Rubikia game! And then 1hr 30 today on the same

shoddy amounts of writing... tiny bit of brainstorm yesterday and nada the day before

... then 2hrs characterization today I brainstormed yesterday, not physically writing, but it's something... today I wrote what I'd brainstormed, for about 15 mins
15 mins writing on the Yarrow story: I'm not feeling great but I've written with that before.
more worldbuilding today, for 10 mins. I have a new world!
couldn't get online yesterday, but I did do 10 mins worldbuilding... 40 more minutes today of same (though different world; yesterday it was ideas about a new one and today was more Medunkna mapmaking)
30 more mins Medunkna worldbuilding (map making)
this morning: 30 mins worth of Medunkna worldbuilding... very useful, it needed more depth
did chapter 15 of "Yarrow's Tale" ( I'm happy with it. So that's my writing for the day, thus far.
45 mins today so far: I'm trying to see how much I can do this morning (while my cat stares at me reminding me to eat)... dndkritter and writing maintenance
more writing: about an hour more! this is exactly the push I needed

4/22/2012 = 30 mins