A goal of Anna the Owl on their Bucket List (ever incomplete) list with a status of In Progress.
I was spending too much time on checking randomly if my favourite bloggers didn't write something new... So, finally, I just made a list of my favourite blogs, added them to the bookmarks and allow myself to check them only once daily: in the morning, before another busy day starts. Little steps, huh.
Posted 11 years ago
Related Notes:
1. I quit volunteering at the magazine.
2. I reduced my workload at the publishing house.
3. I've been reasonably planning my working hours for the past few weeks.

1. Catch up on the backlog (1 more volume; fanpage stuff; review) - as fast as possible
2. Go through my stuff once aga (...more)
My efforts at organising the space around me are going nicely. I have gotten rid of LOADS of things and I can enjoy lots of emply space around me. Almost every object seems purposeful now, which is extremely empowering!
Cleaning my hard drive is still in process (it's a long one, but advanc (...more)
This includes:
- getting rid of all the unneccessary possessions
- quitting all the commitments that I don't want to continue
- quitting all the habits or activities that don't bring me satisfaction or joy but are actually harmful (e.g. eating sweets, reading gossip etc.)

All of the above hav (...more)