A goal of Heather Perkins on their 101 Things in 1001 Days list with a status of In Progress.

Completed 5/100
(1.) Flores, Thersea (2007) Sacred Bath
(2.) McNeal, Reggie (2006) Practicing Greatness
(3.) Rowling, J.K. (200?) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
(4.)Tolkein, JRR (?). Fellowship of the Ring
(5.) Overcoming the Dark Side of Leadership
(6.) Barrie, J.M. (?) Peter Pan
(7.) Funke, C (2008) Inkdeath
(1.) Flores, Thersea (2007) Sacred Bath
(2.) McNeal, Reggie (2006) Practicing Greatness
(3.) Rowling, J.K. (200?) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
(4.)Tolkein, JRR (?). Fellowship of the Ring
(5.) Overcoming the Dark Side of Leadership
(6.) Barrie, J.M. (?) Peter Pan
(7.) Funke, C (2008) Inkdeath
Posted 13 years ago