Jacqueline Stone
Chicago, IL
Education Director
Teaching Artist
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The 7 Things Challenge:
7 Things x 2014
My seven answers to the Day Zero alternative New Year's resolutions poll:
My seven answers to the Day Zero alternative New Year's resolutions poll:
- Learn how to ukulele
- Start making more meals from scratch
- Stop biting cuticles
- Take a vacation to a distant land
- Find a reasonable life/work/art balance
- Try to take time and do things to keep yourself happy
- Be more relaxed
31 Dec, 13
Marked goal Sell the rest of my clothing boxes, donate the rest to charity as Done!
31 Dec, 13
Marked goal Sell the rest of my clothing boxes, donate the rest to charity as Done!
Jan 11, 2012 - Oct 09, 2014
Goals with no specified timetime
Goals completed!