A goal of Juleigh on their Done list with a status of Done.
5/1: Beltane X
5/2: plausible X
5/3: importune
5/4: chivalry X
5/5: eponymous X
5/6: fulcrum X
5/7: satiate X
5/8: deepfake X
5/9: unctuous X
5/10: laden X
5/11: aftermath X
5/12: cordial X
5/13: florescence
5/14: engender
5/15: maudlin X
5/16: disapprobation
5/17: rarefied
5/18: zephyr
5/19: censure X
5/20: telegenic
5/21: gamut X
5/22: officious X
5/23: bower
5/24: adumbrate
5/25: hobbyhorse
5/26: sapient
5/27: interpolate X
5/28: flavedo
5/29: sacrosanct
5/30: nemesis X
5/31: enthrall X
Posted 1 years ago
Related Notes:
11/1: fuliginous
11/2: analogue X
11/3: parse X
11/4: maelstrom X
11/5: requisite X
11/6: terraform
11/7: cockamamie X
11/8: mien
11/9: audacious X
11/10: suffuse
11/11: valorous
11/12: bugbear
11/13: gravitate X
11/14: exigent
11/15: chimera X
11/16: woebegone X
11/17: hallmark X
11/18: disabuse X
11/19: (...more)
10/1: echt
10/2: confection X
10/3: faze X
10/4: splenetic
10/5: aficionado X
10/6: demarcate X
10/7: portentous
10/8: obtain X
10/9: juncture X
10/10: berserk X
10/11: voracity
10/12: gullible X
10/13: circumvent X
10/14: foliage X
10/15: hirsute X
10/16: acronym X
10/17: mollycoddle X
10/18: omnipotent X (...more)
9/1: embargo X
9/2: copacetic X
9/3: upbraid
9/4: gauntlet X
9/5: ambiguous X
9/6: pareidolia
9/7: disingenuous X
9/8: redound
9/9: bellwether X
9/10: orotund
9/11: injunction X
9/12: fallible
9/13: abstain X
9/14: harbinger X
9/15: demure X
9/16: mellifluous X
9/17: shofar
9/18: zenith X
9/19: pontificate (...more)
8/1: perquisite
8/2: contiguous X
8/3: incarcerate X
8/4: gumption X
8/5: aggrandize
8/6: debonair X
8/7: malaise X
8/8: preen X
8/9: reticent X
8/10: encomium
8/11: boycott X
8/12: fungible
8/13: travesty X
8/14: asunder X
8/15: nexus
8/16: chasten X
8/17: volatile X
8/18: inkling X
8/19: slake X
8/20: bal (...more)
7/1: whimsical X
7/2: prowess X
7/3: embezzle X
7/4: girandole
7/5: abscond X
7/6: dog days X
7/7: mitigate X
7/8: rectitude
7/9: thwart X
7/10: bon vivant
7/11: loquacious X
7/12: forte X
7/13: outlandish X
7/14: comprise X
7/15: salvo
7/16: cogent
7/17: homily
7/18: glom X
7/19: dauntless
7/20: vagary
7/21 (...more)
6/1: gist X
6/2: obstinate X
6/3: meet-cute X
6/4: concatenate
6/5: yips X
6/6: trenchant
6/7: blandishment
6/8: etiquette X
6/9: saturnine
6/10: advocate X
6/11: redux X
6/12: inchmeal
6/13: fruition X
6/14: dissemble
6/15: vox populi X
6/16: perennial
6/17: microcosm X
6/18: reconcile X
6/19: indomitab (...more)
4/1: shenanigans X
4/2: demarche
4/3: infantilize X
4/4: belated X
4/5: gerrymander X
4/6: seder X
4/7: equivocal
4/8: circumscribe
4/9: auspicious X
4/10: foible X
4/11: oracular
4/12: vicinity X
4/13: MacGyver X
4/14: lackadaisical X
4/15: contraption X
4/16: pacify X
4/17: hackles X
4/18: dolorous X
4/19 (...more)
3/1: fresco X
3/2: contretemps
3/3: accentuate X
3/4: proximate
3/5: repartee X
3/6: vindicate X
3/7: laudable X
3/8: cahoots X
3/9: ingratiate X
3/10: factotum
3/11: scrupulous X
3/12: divulge X
3/13: apotheosis
3/14: gallivant X
3/15: nadir
3/16: heterodox
3/17: erin go bragh
3/18: lacuna
3/19: tactile (...more)
2/1: eleemosynary
2/2: portend
2/3: challah X
2/4: scrutinize X
2/5: weal
2/6: fraught X
2/7: acquiesce X
2/8: despot X
2/9: vapid X
2/10: ignis fatuus
2/11: besotted X
2/12: gambit X
2/13: magniloquent
2/14: coquetry X
2/15: divest X
2/16: lyrical X
2/17: anachronism X
2/18: impromptu X
2/19: cleave X
2 (...more)
Using Miriam Webster app, X indicates a word I already know
1/1: annus mirabilis
1/2: precocious X
1/3: delegate X
1/4: genius X
1/5: fortuitous X
1/6: garner X
1/7: conundrum X
1/8: ascetic
1/9: charlatan X
1/10: teleological
1/11: bombast X
1/12: luscious X
1/13: countenance
1/14: recondite
1/15: (...more)