Related Notes:
Last of 7 was yesterday, Dec. 7, 2014, for The Addams Family with Dry Cold Productions. Of the 7 auditions, 3 were successful! Not a bad record. And they have definitely given me confidence to keep trying no matter what.
Ha! I got in the chorus!!! Hooray! Show is at the end of April/beginning of May, 2015.
So this audition actually proved fruitful yesterday (Oct. 19, 2014)! I got asked to participate in the theatre company's International Cabaret of Monologues in March. Crazy!
Auditioned today (Sept. 27, 2014) for Gilbert & Sullivan Society's production of Pirates of Penzance.
Don't think I did well enough. Oh well. Next time.
On Monday (Aug. 25, 2014), auditioned for NKCP's production of Fiddler on the Roof and I got a part! Yente the Matchmaker, old busybody that she is. Honestly, I was hoping for just the chorus so this was unexpected. I'm also not sure if I've played anyone this old before.

On June 7, 2014 auditioned for FemFest. Once again, didn't get a part, but I keep thinking eventually something will stick.
Auditioned a couple weeks ago for the Little Opera Company's production of Hansel & Gretel. Was completely unprepared, but at least I did it!
Did one today for ChekovFest. Dec. 22, 2013. Felt like backing out and didn't.