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the Netherlands
“You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching, love like you'll never be hurt,Sing like there's nobody listening, And live like it's heaven on earth.”
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7 Things Challenge
The 7 Things Challenge is Day Zero Project's alternative to boring New Years' resolutions. We give you seven prompts to get you thinking about what you want to achieve in the next year.
The 7 Things Challenge:
7 Things x 2019

My seven answers to the Day Zero alternative New Year's resolutions poll:
  1. Learn how to be a Dutch teacher
  2. Start running
  3. Stop worrying and stressing about work
  4. Take a vacation to South Africa
  5. Find Peace
  6. Try New food
  7. Be more Self assured
The 7 Things Challenge:
7 Things x 2013

My seven answers to the Day Zero alternative New Year's resolutions poll:
  1. Learn how to be happy
  2. Start dancing
  3. Stop stressing over little things - let it go!
  4. Take a vacation to Latin America!
  5. Find my true love
  6. Try snowboarding
  7. Be more relaxed and self confident