L.M. Rawlins
Olympia, WA
I play! I don't work! Well, not *real* work, anyway.

Notes & Photos
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1/23: It hasn't come to town, but I got an audition in LA! == 2/3: I auditioned and got to the second round! Am now waiting to see if I get on the show!
The Passport exam is held once a month at Meadows Elementary, and it tests the children's geographical aptitude.
In this case, "new" basically means vintage/antique/previously used.
1/23: I believe that Teatro Zanzinni counts, right?
November 2010: Schoolhouse Rock
November 2010: Schoolhouse Rock
Note added to goal Go to twelve museums and/or art galleries in the span of a year
Pacific Science Center (June 2010 -- it's a children's museum!); Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (TENTATIVE September 2010);
No, Rock Band doesn't count.
I guess I know The Loop pretty well (which is what you use for the Wordpress back-end stuff), but is that a computer language?
I wish I didn't have to check this off due to the severity of what happened, but I donated $10 to the Red Cross' Haitian relief efforts. What I would like to do, though, is make this a regular thing and donate at least $10 a month to a charity or non-profit.
Note added to goal Sort and give away all of our clothes that do not fit or are unworn
Right now, I have one huge Costco bag full of clothes, but I need to go ahead and sort through the rest of Lor's clothes before I can check this off.
Note added to goal Abstain from buying coffee from a coffeeshop or coffee stand for one month
Starting anew from 5/16
Started 5/16
Since I compulsively buy books, I'm going to start this now and not count anything purchased after 5/14/10.
Matt and I drove from Sacramento to LA to audition for Wheel of Fortune! It was a lot of fun and I hope to go on another road trip really soon.
Rush (August 2010); The Billy Nayer Show (November 2010)
Okay, so I'm not going. It's expensive! However, there's a meetup at a local bar at the same time, so I'm planning on going to that after my party!
As of 5/17, I can play a few basic chords and can play a few songs by ear.
Went to Steve's karaoke bar with him one night, but chickened out. I'm going to do it next time, though!
Note added to goal Abstain from buying coffee from a coffee stand for one month
It was on September 16, 2010 that I realized I hadn't bought coffee from a drive-thru coffee stand in over a month. VICTORY
It wasn't just in front of someone, folks. It was all mic-ed up at PAX on the Rock Band 3 stage.
PAX 2010! You know, I said I would swear off of them completely, but I had so much fun hanging out with the Talking Tyrants that I'm totally planning on going next year. Hotel room and everything!
Started going on the job hunt, sending out my resume all over and such. Wish me luck!
This will be an ongoing struggle. I've been very self-conscious about my image for my entire life, and I feel like I've made a lot of progress. However, there's still a long way to go.
Note added to goal Buy/rent a cello and a violin and begin playing regularly again
2/27: Rented a violin! http://www.myportmanteau.com/?p=94
February 2010: California; May 2010: Austin, Texas
While I've done so a lot by now, Portland, Oregon.
While I've done so a lot by now, Portland, Oregon.
7/2/2010: Went to Ellensburg AND Yakima!
5/31: They're not super-high or anything, but they're adorable and mine and I love them.
June 2010: I walked on a moving train with them and didn't fall. If that isn't success, I don't know what is.
June 2010: I walked on a moving train with them and didn't fall. If that isn't success, I don't know what is.
2/27: Bought The Dress at Macy's -- just need to get a great pair of shoes and the jacket to match!
3/10: The jacket was only $30! Now I'm just left with shoes and accessories and I'll be all good!
3/10: The jacket was only $30! Now I'm just left with shoes and accessories and I'll be all good!
Okay, okay, this is only in progress because Nick gave away two of his games and we've been playing Carcassonne a lot.
This one may be silly to most, but I've been such a straitlaced person my entire life, so I figure I've got to live a little, right? So far, I've had Bailey's w/Caramel, Death Adder (a homebrewed liquor), three different whiskeys, and two different scotches, a TON of Captain Morgan's Tattoo, and Morgan's peppermint schnapps.
I've probably got close to (if not am already over) 40 hours already, but I need to ask the coordinators for a log of my hours to date before I check this off.
Here's the question, though -- how much of something do you need before it becomes a collection?
5/14: Austin, Texas
Tried to find a cache with Matt, Erin and Steve while in San Francisco! (February 2011)
In July 2010, I weighed in at 160 lbs on a friend's scale. Whether or not it was a couple of pounds off, I don't care. I hit my goal, and now I know I can stay at this nice happy weight for quite some time. Oh, goodness, it's wonderful.
I only need one course to finish my AA. I've considered just enrolling at Evergreen and transferring my credits there, but Dr. Pumphrey (the president of my college) encouraged me to go ahead and get my AA. I'm still thinking on it.
September 11-12, 2010! Went to Kalaloch for the weekend, camped in an honest-to-goodness tent, even though I was woefully unprepared.