A goal of Jasmine Brown on their 101 Things in 1001 Days list with a status of In Progress.
Cranberry relish
Posted 8 years ago
Related Notes:

You can even practice by feel only with a cover on the lock. There are various types of locks in this kit. Again, I plan on trying various locks of people I know. I'm starting with my locker at work. Good luck everyone! It is relatively easy actually which is sort of frightening when you think about someone using it for the wrong purposes.

That's it!

Now I'm pushing up the pins.

This is the tension stick. Don't put too much force on this. As the pins go up you push on the tension stick. You feel it turning essentially.

The lock is clear so you can see when the pins inside are lifted. Honestly I go by the feel of the tension which is the next photo.

My lock pick kit arrived on Saturday, and I picked the locks provided! I still struggle with a couple of them. The trick for me was finding the right amount of tension to use on the lock. I'm going to keep practicing on locks of people I know.