A goal of Elaine on their 101 Things in 1001 Days list with a status of In Progress.
9.27.11- Episode IV (or one... whatever...) started tonight!
Posted 13 years ago
Related Notes:


I took my Fiance out for his birthday to experience a Murder Mystery Dinner. What a night! I wish I had taken pictures, but we were so enthralled in the entire experience that I didn't even think of using my phone. There were actors throughout the room. Everyone was a suspect. We even had people accuse us of being the killers. 🤣
The dinner wasn't great, but the mystery more than made up for it. We were on the right track, but got sidetracked by the individuals who were dead set at making us look like the villains that we thought they were actual actors trying to throw us off the trail. 🤣
I'm now ready for a train ride murder mystery!