An update from Megan.
Earl grey tea shortbread for a rainy, grey March. I'm hoping I can improve this recipe and try other flavors of tea, too.
Posted 5 years ago
Related Notes:

White chocolate strawberry for June-- welcoming in summer.

Chocolate butterscotch cookies after a second botched attempt to make lemon cookies for May. At least these came out perfectly.

Followed a recipe labeled "cookies", that said "cookie" throughout the recipe, that featured pictures of a lovely batch of cookies. Got lemon blueberry cream cheese scones. Gf had the same results. I'm still considering this done for April, but I'll be trying to bake a batch of actual lemon cookies this month in addition to what I already have planned.

Cherry tea cake cookies for February-- not the best recipe I've tried, but still lovely little pink gems for Valentine's Day.

I'm actually taking this 2 kinds further and doing a different type of cookie every month for a year. January was honey lemon ginger cookies, which didn't turn out very well, and mocha oatmeal cookies to make up for that, which came out a lot better.