A goal of oemal on their 101 Things in 1001 Days list with a status of Done.
32. A bunch of diapers - hundreds! - to my regional diaper bank
Posted 1 years ago
Related Notes:
40. baby swimsuits via Buy Nothing
39. A baby-wearing wrap through Buy Nothing (and a second one going to another mom next week)
38. Toddler swim gear via Buy Nothing (it was actually three separate BN gifts, but I’ll count it once)
37. A running book (like new, from my summer reading club prize!), to someone in Buy Nothing
36. Ring doorbell to someone in a situation who needs it
35. Two more pairs of shoes, and kids' cough medicine ('tis the season) on Buy Nothing
34. Two (pretty much new) nursing bras that didn't suit me to Buy Nothing
33. Two pairs of practically brand new toddler shoes that my preschooler wasn't interested in wearing
33. & 34. Historic photographs to a small museum in SoCal and the State Archives - I did this in late 2022, but forgot to list it.
31. Another pair of nice shoes, this one by Coach, to Buy Nothing
30. A whole bunch of baby bottles, which someone on Buy Nothing was going to give to a community in need out of state.
29. Like-new shoes to my Buy Nothing group (and probably more of that to come, due to shoe sizes changing after pregnancy, alas!)
28. A whole lot of swaddles to my sister-in-law (who went to the hospital in labor right around the time I was walking into the post office!)
27. Book on mixology to my brother & BIL - this was a while ago but it looks like I’d forgotten it
26. Shoe organizer on buy nothing
25. maternity swimsuit that I bought but never used, to someone on Buy Nothing
21. Postpartum supplies through my terrific new Buy Nothing
22. Book to my friend
23. College era photos to my friend
24. Tons of baby clothes to SIL
I've been doing SO MUCH Of this, but not tracking it. So here's a few I remember:

15. MA graduation gown through Buy Nothing (to someone who was so thrilled to save the $$ in buying one!)
16. Book and whale watching tickets to a dear friend
17. & 18. Books to friends
19. Morning sickness bands (...more)
14. Quesadilla maker from college to someone on Buy Nothing, who was going to give it to her college student daughter (The tradition lives on!)
I haven’t been good at chronicling this. Here’s a few more recent ones:

10. A vase to a friend
11. A coveted book to a friend
12. & 13. Some other books to coworker friends
9. Months worth of diapers to the local Junior League (for their diaper drive)
6. hair clips/barrettes of sentimental value, to a friend who loves them
7. tickets to the local historical preservation org's home tour, through Buy Nothing
8. plants from a six-pack that I didn't have the space for, which I gave away on Buy Nothing
4. a book sent to a former coworker
5. a unique flag, sent to a childhood friend
3. A sweater that I had knitted for my late dog, given to a friend from Instagram (for her beloved dog's use)
2. "Acid mix" soil and pumpkins to neighbor and Buy Nothing

I've forgotten to track this, but should get to 40 pretty easily nonetheless!
1. Baby soap/shampoos via Buy Nothing Group, 9/20/21