Number 2 of 3 done. Over the summer at camp I was... I guess you could call it in a relationship with another counsellor. We grew close in my first summer but this summer we got back and things picked up pretty much where they left off, naturally becoming more serious. He's very good with words, with expressing his emotions on the spot. I tend to clam up and just nod and say nothing, taking the moment in. So as I was travelling round, about a week after camp ended and a few days after we'd said our goodbyes in Boston, I wrote him a letter. It wasn't much, just a little piece to say all those things that I wished I'd had the courage and the vocabulary to say in those moments. But this guy, whatever happens now, will always be one I look back on fondly. I've never had a guy care for me and make me laugh and shower me with so much affection as this one. It made for a very special summer that's for sure. And I grew up and changed a lot because of him. He made a difference and so his letter is definitely a second of three towards this goal.
(less)Number 2 of 3 done. Over the summer at camp I was... I guess you could call it in a relationship with another counsellor. We grew close in my first summer but this summer we got back and things picked up pretty much where they left off, naturally becoming more serious. He's very good with