Related Notes:
92/100 Hubris - excessive pride or self-confidence
93/100 Elegy - poem of serious reflection, typically lamenting the dead
94/100 Swarthy - dark-complexioned
95/100 Bonhomie - cheerful friendliness
96/100 Anachronism - a thing belonging to a period other than that in which it exists
97/100 Ephemera - transitory; without lasting significance
98/100 Redolent - strongly reminiscent or suggestive of
99/100 Recalcitrant - uncooperative attitude towards authority or discipline
100/100 Cowl - large loose hood, typically seen in a monk's habit
(less)92/100 Hubris - excessive pride or self-confidence
93/100 Elegy - poem of serious reflection, typically lamenting the dead
94/100 Swarthy - dark-complexioned
95/100 Bonhomie - cheerful friendliness
96/100 Anachronism - a thing belonging to a period other than that in which it exists
97/100 Ephe
91/100 Retinue - a group of advisers and assistants accompanying an important person
87/100 Naggin - 200ml bottle of spirits in Ireland
88/100 Oocyte - immature egg cell, prior to fertilisation
89/100 Creed - a faith
90/100 Gillie - Scottish term for an attendant for hunting and fishing
80/100 Obsequious - obsessively obedient
81/100 Defenestration - throwing someone or something out the window
82/100 Vapid - bland
83/100 Sardonic - mocking, irony
84/100 Taciturn - uncommunicative
85/100 Sycophant - a person attempting to gain an advantage through obsequious behaviour
86/100 Nadir- the lowest point (of fortunes)
(less)80/100 Obsequious - obsessively obedient
81/100 Defenestration - throwing someone or something out the window
82/100 Vapid - bland
83/100 Sardonic - mocking, irony
84/100 Taciturn - uncommunicative
85/100 Sycophant - a person attempting to gain an advantage through obsequious behaviour
86/100 Na
68/100 Bandolier - pocketed shoulder belt for holding ammunition
69/100 Bellicose - warlike, eager to fight
70/100 Capacious - roomy
71/100 Augur - portend a good or bad outcome
72/100 Heretical - depart from established beliefs or standards
73/100 Sconce - light fixture using the wall for support, no ground base
74/100 Brocade - richly decorative woven fabric with raised design
75/100 Chemise - loose shirt-like undergarment
76/100 Pennant - long, tapering flag with special significance; used for signalling or identification
77/100 Diaphanous - light, delicate, transparent
78/100 Scourge - whip lash or punish severely
79/100 Palanquin - covered litter carried on shoulders of four men, formerly used in Orient
(less)68/100 Bandolier - pocketed shoulder belt for holding ammunition
69/100 Bellicose - warlike, eager to fight
70/100 Capacious - roomy
71/100 Augur - portend a good or bad outcome
72/100 Heretical - depart from established beliefs or standards
73/100 Sconce - light fixture using the wall for supp
62/100 Facetious - treating serious business with deliberately inappropriate humour
63/100 Salvo - simultaneous discharge of artillery or a sudden, vigorous or aggressive act
64/100 Profligacy - reckless extravagance
65/100 Gumption - boldly initiative
66/100 Wight - spirit, ghost or supernatural being
67/100 Fealty - pledge of allegiance from one person to another
(less)62/100 Facetious - treating serious business with deliberately inappropriate humour
63/100 Salvo - simultaneous discharge of artillery or a sudden, vigorous or aggressive act
64/100 Profligacy - reckless extravagance
65/100 Gumption - boldly initiative
66/100 Wight - spirit, ghost or supernatu
55/100 Livery - a special uniform worn by a servant, an official, or a member of a City Company or a business that offers vehicles, such as automobiles or boats, for hire.
56/100 Tautology - saying the same thing twice over in different words
57/100 Co-option - process of a group subsuming a smaller or weaker group with related interests; replicate aspects but not the full ideal
58/100 Gimlet-eyed - sharp-sighted
59/100 Raconteur - a person who tells anecdotes in a skilful and amusing manner
60/100 Provenance - geographical origin of commodities
61/100 Terroir - the combined effects of a given location on a given product e.g. climate, soil
(less)55/100 Livery - a special uniform worn by a servant, an official, or a member of a City Company or a business that offers vehicles, such as automobiles or boats, for hire.
56/100 Tautology - saying the same thing twice over in different words
57/100 Co-option - process of a group subsuming a
43/100 Tup - uncastrated male sheep
44/100 Diffident - lacking confidence in one's own ability,worth or fitness; reserved in manner
45/100 Penurious - extremely poor; unwilling to spend money
46/100 Sepulchral - gloomy, dismal
47/100 Stymie - prevent or hinder progress of
48/100 Vagary - unexpected or unpredictable change in action or situation
49/100 Usufruct - right to use and gain from something belonging to another person provided the thing itself remains undiminished in any way
50/100 Neophyte - a person who is new to a subject or activity
51/100 Corollary - a proposition that follows from one already proved
52/100 Epistle - a letter, especially a long, formal, didactic one
53/100 Didactic - intended to teach, instructive
54/100 Organoleptic - relating perception by sensory organs
(less)43/100 Tup - uncastrated male sheep
44/100 Diffident - lacking confidence in one's own ability,worth or fitness; reserved in manner
45/100 Penurious - extremely poor; unwilling to spend money
46/100 Sepulchral - gloomy, dismal
47/100 Stymie - prevent or hinder progress of
48/100 Vagary - unexpe
37/100 Timpani - kettledrums
38/100 Whicker - whinny, neigh
39/100 Scad - a large quantity; usually used in plural
40/100 Alacrity - brisk and cheerful readiness
41/100 Nix - put an end to
42/100 Beguiling - charming or enchanting, often deceptively
35/100 Barrage - concentrated artillery bombardment over a wide area or an artificial barrier across a river
36/100 Paragon - a perfect example of a particular quality, model of excellence
28/100 Contrition - sincere remorse for wrongdoing
29/100 Chutzpah - audacity; gall
30/100 Supercilious - behaving or looking as though they believe they're superior
31/100 Aphorism - terse saying expressing a general truth
32/100 Terse - sparing in use of words
33/100 Frippery - showy or unnecessary ornament in architecture, dress or language
34/100 Precession - change in the orientation of a rotational axis of a rotating body
(less)28/100 Contrition - sincere remorse for wrongdoing
29/100 Chutzpah - audacity; gall
30/100 Supercilious - behaving or looking as though they believe they're superior
31/100 Aphorism - terse saying expressing a general truth
32/100 Terse - sparing in use of words
33/100 Frippery - showy or unnec
27/100 Escarpment - steep slope or long cliff from faulting separating a level area to differing elevations
12/100 Bucolic - relating to the pleasant aspects of the countryside/country life
13/100 Opprobrium - harsh criticism
14/100 Incandescent - emitting light from being heated; full of emotion
15/100 Torpor - mental/physical inactivity, lethargy
16/100 Uxorial - relating to a wife
17/100 Concatenation - to connect in a series or chain
18/100 Emollient - softening or soothing in approach or to the skin
19/100 Precocious - unusually advanced in development
20/100 Commodity - marketable item
21/100 Iterative - repetitive
22/100 Fusillade - quick succession of shots or missiles
23/100 Mansard - roof of four sloping sides becoming steeper halfway down
24/100 Renege - go back on a commitment
25/100 Aggrandisement - the act of increasing wealth, prestige, power or scope
26/100 Desultory - lacking a plan, purpose or enthusiasm
(less)12/100 Bucolic - relating to the pleasant aspects of the countryside/country life
13/100 Opprobrium - harsh criticism
14/100 Incandescent - emitting light from being heated; full of emotion
15/100 Torpor - mental/physical inactivity, lethargy
16/100 Uxorial - relating to a wife
17/100 Concatena
6/100 Jurisprudence - science of, skill of law
4/100 Intrinsic - belonging naturally; essential
5/100 Petrichor - the smell of Earth after rain
3/100 Visceral - relating to instinct>intellect
1/100 Pecuniary - relating to money
2/100 Sequester - isolate/hide away