Weekend 2 was a trip to Go Ape (another goal on this list) with the work ladies.
Weekend 3 included a road trip to Derby, partying with camp friends til 3am and drinking faaarrr too much, then driving home the following day.
Weekend 4 was the solar eclipse and a social visit to my old dance school.
Then this weekend started on Thursday as that was the end of my working week with a killer night out with two of my favourite girls, having my first tequila slammer, taking so many photos and dancing the night away

All in all, it's been a fun month of weekend socialising
(less)Weekend 2 was a trip to Go Ape (another goal on this list) with the work ladies.
Weekend 3 included a road trip to Derby, partying with camp friends til 3am and drinking faaarrr too much, then driving home the following day.
Weekend 4 was the solar eclipse and a social visit to my old dance