Related Notes:

An amazing summer spent at the most incredible and special place I have ever encountered, with a pretty awesome group of kids and counsellors. So many memories, so much love.
Been placed at a beautiful summer camp in Maine. Leave in just over 2 weeks!!
No success at the camp fairs in January and no contact since then from any camps so I'm still unplaced disheartening, but went to pre-departure orientation yesterday and they're very hopeful we will all be placed so keeping my fingers crossed.
On to the visa application it is!
Application has been accepted with CCUSA a few weeks ago and I have now been waiting patiently for contact from a camp. I got an email from an amazing all girls camp expressing their interest in me, so hopefully I can impress them and get myself hired!!
Interview done and dusted; went really well.
3 references to get and upload and then hopefully I'll get my official confirmation of acceptance
Interview scheduled for Monday - eeekk!
One evening hard at work and I have my application video done - final thing to prepare before interview is 3 references, so best get asking!
Application looked at and interviewer to be in touch shortly - one step at a time!
Submitted my application with CCUSA today!