A goal of Pink on their 101 Things in 1001 Days list with a status of In Progress.
1. Rossen - knows how to show respect towards his seniors and colleagues.
Chooses the words and behaves nice.
At the same time, puts himself in the shoose of his juniors, and thats how he speaks with them.

2. Vuk Karadzic - commited to achieve his goal. Finds the thing he fundamentally believes in, and puts a lot of continuously effort to pursue that way.

3.My mom - for being commited to her family. Just basic things. No signs of weakness. Following her basic path she believes in.

4. Director in my music school - behaving like a lady , and keeping the stylish appearance.
5. Angela Merkel - standing by her good believes and nobel approach, even when everyone was against her.

Posted 6 years ago