A goal of Rachel Leung on their 101 Things in 1001 Days list with a status of Done.

January 5th, 2012.
Watched The Grudge, Paranormal Activity, and Insidious w/ Linda Wang and Peiyi Liang. The day started out pretty much failed - what with the meet-up with Peiyi at Degrassi (that never happened), and the library's late opening hours that prevented us from getting our movies. Our plan B was to watch them online, and after only a few clicks we were able to start out first movie off running - The Grudge. Surprisingly, it was not as scary as I'd imagined. Paranormal Activity (our second movie) only shocked you the last 10 minutes, and Insidious turned out to be the scariest of the three. As it turns out, the three movies lasted until a little past 5 (including our little walk to Tim Horton's and Starbucks), and so I was forced to walk home in the dark, praying that I wouldn't get kidnapped or something. The marathon was fun while it lasted, but I just hope that the paranoia doesn't follow me around everywhere afterward.
Watched The Grudge, Paranormal Activity, and Insidious w/ Linda Wang and Peiyi Liang. The day started out pretty much failed - what with the meet-up with Peiyi at Degrassi (that never happened), and the library's late opening hours that prevented us from getting our movies. Our plan B was to watch them online, and after only a few clicks we were able to start out first movie off running - The Grudge. Surprisingly, it was not as scary as I'd imagined. Paranormal Activity (our second movie) only shocked you the last 10 minutes, and Insidious turned out to be the scariest of the three. As it turns out, the three movies lasted until a little past 5 (including our little walk to Tim Horton's and Starbucks), and so I was forced to walk home in the dark, praying that I wouldn't get kidnapped or something. The marathon was fun while it lasted, but I just hope that the paranoia doesn't follow me around everywhere afterward.

Posted 13 years ago