A goal of Jess on their The Next Five Years list with a status of Done.
Tomorrow marks 30 days of practice, and wow, I'm actually retaining some of it this time! I am working my way through it very slowly, focusing on maxing out a couple of units at a time and then doing practice on them for a bit before moving on to the next few units. It's slower going, but I'm definitely actually processing and picking up more of the language. As I've said, I know this isn't going to make me fluent, but it's nice to pick up even a little bit of a new language. There's a definite sense of accomplishment there.
Posted 3 years ago
Related Notes:
Finished the Duolingo Finnish tree!! I did buy a workbook to try to continue learning, but I still went over 300 days without missing a lesson!! I'm studying German now!
Creeping up on 100 days, and retaining a surprising amount! I think I eventually want to find more resources and do a little more "studying," but I am picking up more grammar and retaining more of the vocab than I expected!
Holy hell, has it been five months?

I gave up for a while. Not gonna lie. I've been totally inactive on this goal for, apparently, almost half a year.

I'm back now. I'm armed with notebooks and flashcards this time, lol.

Let's get back to it.
That's it... I'm starting a notebook, lol. I have no hopes of becoming fluent via Duolingo anyway, but my retention rate is seriously nill, right now. I'm going to start either a notebook or flashcards today and work from there. I've missed about four days because the last few sessions wer (...more)
I....am not going to retain any of this, lol. I might have to look for another place to learn Finnish, if not instead of Duolingo (because now I feel like I've committed, you know? I feel like I need to see it to the end), then maybe in addition to. OR -- or -- I need to start taking notes (...more)
I am closing in on two weeks now, and... man, I have GOT to make flashcards. I've never struggled like this with a language before. There are NO cognates, and keeping the adjective straight (especially because in the early lessons so many start with the same letter) is difficult.

I love tha (...more)
I just completed a week of daily lessons! I am having a hard time keeping some of the vocab straight, and while the goal in this was never to, like, speak Finnish fluently, I do want to at least complete the course with an accurate understanding of the language I did learn. So I think this (...more)
So I am a sad, sad, geeky person, and am literally taking this class because I have a stupid crush on a stupid YouTuber who has done a few videos about being Finnish/the Finnish language (full disclosure, it's Joinen; if you know who that is, feel free to reach out and we can be fannish Fi (...more)