Sarah Wilson
Durham, NC
I am a high school business teacher. Teaching my students to write down and achieve their goals is a huge part of helping them and watching them achieve success!

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16 Feb, 17
Added the following to list Someday:
Visit the Taj Mahal INDIA
, Visit Tivoli Gardens Amusement Park DENMARK
, Walk behind a waterfall
, Attend a TED Talk event
...and 3 other goals.
16 Feb, 17
Added the following to list Someday:
Watch all the Best Picture nominees before the Academy Awards
, Visit the Kennedy Space Center FLORIDA
, Visit the Duke Lemur Center NORTH CAROLINA
, Visit the Linville Caverns NORTH CAROLINA
...and 8 other goals.
16 Feb, 17
Added the following to list Someday:
Learn to drive a stick shift
Feb 16, 2017 - Nov 14, 2019
Goals with no specified timetime
Goals completed!