A goal of Satara on their 101 Things in 1001 Days list with a status of Done.
Week 5: Six Crimson Cranes (5/5)

I liked the novel a lot. A cursed princess that saves herself with the help of others instead of most fairy tales in which women are to be saved by men? Definitely count me in.
Posted 2 years ago
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Adding books from the last weeks:

Week 2 - "The Last Hours"
Novel set in Medieval England at the onset of the Black Plague. Loved it. 5/5

Week 3 - "The Witch's Path"
Book with a lot of ideas on how to advance your witchcraft practice. I liked it quite well, 5/5

Week 4 - "Daughter of the Moon Go (...more)
Finished "Ancestral Tarot"

It was okay. Nothing ground-breaking, but it had some nice ideas in it on how to use the tarot to work with ancestors.