A goal of Saturn on their 101 Things in 1001 Days list with a status of Not Started.
Day 3 and I accidentally went to the page without thinking. When it loaded I was like "ACK!" and closed it. This is pretty difficult.
Posted 12 years ago
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And done! And I've missed nothing of importance. Go figure.
Today is my last day. I think this was a good lesson that I don't need to check Facebook every day. I'll be curious to see if I did miss anything.
Day 6... I can do this!
On day 5. Seems to be going good so far. A few issues yesterday where I accidentally went to the site and immediately closed the browser.
Day 4... This reminds me of when I decided to quit WoW. I eventually got to the point where I stopped thinking about it. But this is pretty hard no doubt. I didn't realize it had such a hold on my life.
I'm on day 2 of this goal. Day 1 seemed easy, day 2 seems to be a little more difficult. I keep telling myself that there is nothing important on the thing that requires me to check it.

I had to set a small exception to my goal however, since I'm president of a non-profit that has a Faceboo (...more)