A goal of Christine Wentzel on their 101 Things in 1001 Days list with a status of In Progress.

4/25-sent facebook message to 30 friends asking for ideas
Cindy Kerstetter-Things We Couldn't Say by James C. Schaap
Val Norling-Tell it Well, Tell it Often-Mark McCloskey-ordered 4/25
Val Norling-Godmakers 2-Ed Decker
Corinne Hable-Sarah's Key-Tatiana deRosnay
Christine Fiedler-Why Did God Make Bugs and Other Icky Things? by Kel Groseclose-ordered 4/25
Christine Fiedler-Have a Little Faith
Vernae Larsen-Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers
Dana Hendrickson-Kabul Beauty School-ordered 4/26
Abby Zimmer-Soldiers Heart by Gary Paulsen-ordered 5/1
Cindy Kerstetter-Things We Couldn't Say by James C. Schaap
Val Norling-Tell it Well, Tell it Often-Mark McCloskey-ordered 4/25
Val Norling-Godmakers 2-Ed Decker
Corinne Hable-Sarah's Key-Tatiana deRosnay
Christine Fiedler-Why Did God Make Bugs and Other Icky Things? by Kel Groseclose-ordered 4/25
Christine Fiedler-Have a Little Faith
Vernae Larsen-Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers
Dana Hendrickson-Kabul Beauty School-ordered 4/26
Abby Zimmer-Soldiers Heart by Gary Paulsen-ordered 5/1
Posted 13 years ago