A goal of Shelly Lorrain Durkee on their 101 Things in 1001 Days: Take 2! list with a status of Done.
251 - Defenestration - The action of throwing someone or something out of a window. The action of dismissing someone from a position of power or authority.

252 - Heterodox - Contrary to or different from an acknowledged standard, a traditional form, or an established religion. Holding unorthodox opinions or doctrines

253 - Lachrymose - Tearful or given to weeping.

254 - Stentorian - Loud and powerful

255 - Sapid - Having a strong and pleasant taste.

256 - Ailurophobia - Abnormal fear of cats

257 - Incommodious - Causing inconvenience or discomfort

258 - Dastard - a dishonorable or despicable person

259 - Natatorial - pertaining to, or adapted for, or characterized by swimming

260 - Superannuated - Obsolete through age or new technological or intellectual developments

261 - Surcease - A stopping.

262 - Glabrous - Chiefly of the skin or a leaf, free from hair or down; smooth

263 - Palmary - That bears or is worhty to bear the palm; holding the first or highest place; pre-eminent; excellent

264 - Prolepsis - Anticipating and answering objections in advance

265 - Nescience - Lack of knowledge; ignorance

266 - Tatterdemalion - Tattered or dilapidated

267 - Dubiety - The state or quality of being doubtful; uncertainty

268 - Parageusia - An abnormal or hallucinatory sense of taste

269 - Inveigle - To win over by coaxing, flattery or artful talk. To obtain by cajolery

270 - Insuperable - impossible to overcome

271 - Opusculum - A small or minor literary or musical work

272 - Raffish - Unconventional and slightly disreputable, especially in an attractive manner

273 - Blaterskite - A person who talks at great length without making much sense

274 - Arrant - Complete, utter

275 - Fantod - A state or attack of uneasiness or unreasonableness
Posted 5 years ago
Related Notes:
1 - museology - science or practice of organizing, arranging and managing museums
2 - Opsimath - a person who begins to learn late in life
3 - collodion - syrupy solution of nitrocellulose in a mixture of alcohol or ether, used for coating things - chiefly in surgery and in former photograph (...more)
9/22 - Coterie
301 - Folderol - A useless ornament or acessory

302 - Muliebrity - Womanly qualities, womanhood

303 - Bloviate - Talk at length; especially in an inflated or empty way

304 - Codicil - An addition or supplement that explains, modifies or revokes a will or part of one

305 - Minatory - Expressing (...more)
301 - Folderol - A useless ornament or acessory

302 - Muliebrity - Womanly qualities, womanhood

303 - Bloviate - Talk at length; especially in an inflated or empty way

304 - Codicil - An addition or supplement that explains, modifies or revokes a will or part of one

305 - Minatory - Expressing (...more)
276 - Esemplastic - Molding into one; unifying

277 - Benison - A blessing

278 - Velleity - A wish or inclination not strong enough to lead to action.

279 - Obduracy - A state of refusing to change feelings, beliefs or course of action with no reason

280 - Abjure - Solemnly renounce a believe, (...more)
226 - Bathetic - Producing an unintentional effect of anticlimax

227 - Eristic - Of or characterized by debate or argument

228 - Hamartia - A fatal flaw leading to the downfall of a tragic hero or heroine

229 - Manticore - A mythical beast typically depicted as having the body of a lion, the (...more)
175 - Tutelary - Providing protective supervision; watching over or safeguarding

176 - Quotidian - Of or occurring every day; daily

177 - Rodomontade - Boastful or inflated talk or behavior

178 - Gewgaw - a Showy thing, especially one that is useless or worthless

179 - Tintinnabulation - The r (...more)
1 - Amanuensis - A literary or artistic assistant, in particular, one who takes dictation or copies manuscripts.

2 - Donnybrook - A scene of uproar and disorder; a heated argument

3 - Venial - Easily excused or forgivable

4 - Aflattus - A devise creative impulse or inspiration

5 - Agnoistic - (...more)
1 - Syzygy: The straight line configuraiton of 3 celestial bodies ( as the sun, earth and moon) in a gravitational system.

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