A goal of Shatema Brown on their 101 Things in 1001 Days list with a status of Not Started.

A- All things are possible through Christ Jesus who strengthens us
B- Believe in yourself even when the odds are agaisnt you
C- Can't shouldn't be in your vocubalary for you can do anything that you set ya mind to
D- Don't Give up on your Dreams
E- Everythings possible you just gotta believe
G- Give your all in all you do that is all anybody can ask for
H- Help where you can for the gift of helps is a powerful thing all you have to do is use it.
I- In Christ we find Strength
J- Just believe and keep the faith
K- Keep things taht you love close to u and cherish every moment with them
L- Live every moment like it's ya last for life is to short not to
M- Make Every moment of your life count
N- Never Give up
O- opt to be the best you can be
P- People will talk let them they judge Jesus to
B- Believe in yourself even when the odds are agaisnt you
C- Can't shouldn't be in your vocubalary for you can do anything that you set ya mind to
D- Don't Give up on your Dreams
E- Everythings possible you just gotta believe
G- Give your all in all you do that is all anybody can ask for
H- Help where you can for the gift of helps is a powerful thing all you have to do is use it.
I- In Christ we find Strength
J- Just believe and keep the faith
K- Keep things taht you love close to u and cherish every moment with them
L- Live every moment like it's ya last for life is to short not to
M- Make Every moment of your life count
N- Never Give up
O- opt to be the best you can be
P- People will talk let them they judge Jesus to
Posted 13 years ago