A goal of Becca Kathleen on their 101 Things in 1001 Days list with a status of Not Started.

There's one person who is essentially it. That's the Grog. His goal is to tag everyone. Everyone else is working together. Before the game begins, the Grog takes a flashlight and disassembles it into four parts: the base, the top, and the two batteries. He can hide the parts anywhere in the house, as long as it is not inside of something else. So for example, it could be on top of the refrigerator, but not inside the refrigerator. Everyone is searching for those flashlight parts that the Grog hid. The goal is to find all four parts, reassemble the flashlight, and shine it on the Grog. That's how you win.
If you are tagged by the Grog, then you have to freeze in place until another player can come along and untag you. Also, if the Grog tags you while you are carrying any of the flashlight parts, then he gets to take them and re-hide them. Grog is always played in darkness, and it can be hard to tell who is another player and who the Grog is. So the rule is that the Grog can only walk, never run, and with every step he takes, he has to say 'Grog' so that people know it's him. He is allowed to stay in rooms, quietly waiting to ambush people, but the moment he moves, he has to say 'Grog.'
One room is made into a home base; you can't be tagged in there and he can't hide any parts there either.
If you are tagged by the Grog, then you have to freeze in place until another player can come along and untag you. Also, if the Grog tags you while you are carrying any of the flashlight parts, then he gets to take them and re-hide them. Grog is always played in darkness, and it can be hard to tell who is another player and who the Grog is. So the rule is that the Grog can only walk, never run, and with every step he takes, he has to say 'Grog' so that people know it's him. He is allowed to stay in rooms, quietly waiting to ambush people, but the moment he moves, he has to say 'Grog.'
One room is made into a home base; you can't be tagged in there and he can't hide any parts there either.
Posted 13 years ago