A goal of Sara Perry on their 101 Things in 1001 Days list with a status of In Progress.
1. Wuthering Heights....with Lawrence Olivier. A great classic! November 3, 2012
2. Pride and Prejudice ....with Greer Garson and Lawrence Olivier...think I liked the newer version more, but still a wonderful movie. Nove 26, 2012 interesting, another Lawrence Olivier movie!...quite by coincidence!
3. Kings Row...Ronald Reagan and Ann Sheridan. I missed the first half hour, but a really great movie about society, class and love. Need to see if its showing again so I can catch the beginning! Feb 2, 2013 ....watched the beginning on utube! Missed more than I realized...GREAT movie!
4.I'll Be Seeing You...Ginger Rodgers and Joseph Cotten A WWII based movie about a GI dealing with war trauma and a girl out of prison for 10 days. Both hide their secrets from each other, but love prevails. Love the song, mom always used to sing it and now I know where it originated from April 7, 2013
Posted 11 years ago
Related Notes:
1. Withering Heights....with Lawrence Olivier. A great classic! November 3, 2012