A goal of Victoria on their 101 Things in 1001 Days list with a status of Done.
January 2016 - Had another opportunity to go to a painting event with my husband--this time for free! This is what we painted this time
Posted 9 years ago
Related Notes:
12/12 - For November I bought Katie a small vase of flowers, and for December I bough a holiday centerpiece with red candles and flowers and some pretty ribbon and greenery.
10/12 - I bought some flowers for Katie in September, and I bought a center piece for October. I have an idea for the December one, but am still not sure how to get the flowers in for November.
7/12 - Bought a nice silk flower because of allergies and the impending baby.
6/12 - I bought Katie flowers in card form (because of her allergies), and then a nice bouquet of flours.
4/12 - I bought several flowers for Katie in March and some lovely flowers on our babymoon in April.
Bought flowers in February.