A goal of Nicole Perry Brown on their A bit more than 43 things list with a status of In Progress.
Baby steps. We're settled in the new house, I'm settled in my work schedule (though looking to change it soonish), and Anya has started her new school. The big difference this year is she's riding the school bus, so there is a time by which she absolutely needs to be ready to leave. As such, I have not been letting her sleep in; I get her up an hour before she needs to leave and feed her here every morning. This has helped us both not rush, but it's also made clear that we were going to bed way too late.

Last night I enforced an earlier bedtime. Our Fitbits this morning backed me up on this: For once, we both got our target amount of sleep (7 hours for me, 9 for her), and our morning went much more smoothly as a result. So from now on, we sleep with the chickens.

As for my routine, I'm finally back into somewhat of a morning ritual: I take my vitamins, brush, floss, wash my face, put my contacts in, and get dressed every single morning. It's a start.
Posted 5 years ago
Related Notes:
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