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Learn Italian
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On 831 lists and 47 people have done it.
It is said that to master Italian one needs to dedicate a sensible number of hours a day for a half a year. Currently I am trying to familiazire myself with the sounds and looks of Italian with the help of Duolingo and Memrise. At the end of August I'm going to make a language study plan for September+5 months of intense Italian learning experience. At the end of January I shall take a test to get a certificate with my language level. Wish me luck! ;)
This task will be completed when I can have a conversation about pretty much everything with my friend Silvia in Italian and be able to read books in Italian too.

What I need to do in order to achieve this goal.

1) Take the course on Duolingo for the basics.

2) Learn everything that's in the book to learn Italian I got.

3) Take an online course for intermediate (at least B2 or above).

4) Have meet ups with Silvia to practice Italian regularly.

5) Read 10 books in Italian starting with easy to complicated.

6) Make a list of 20 movies to watch in Italian and watch them (with no subs).

7) Also regularly try to check the media in Italian + newspapers + songs by Italian artists and try to sing along for fun :)

26/01/13: Lesson One complete
I can't speak it, but I've learnt the basics...
I have wanted to learn Italian since i was like 11 years old, LOL, and now I'm in my early thirties. I love the language and one day I would really love to go to Italy.
Just the basics - MTC level (but for a normal person)
Found an Awesome App for my Phone.. So excited as now I have something to do on my ride home from work.
I took Italian classes when I was there.
Have my copy of Rosetta stone re-installed and started lesson one last night
IDEA: Learn basics with Blaine while running.
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Italian language
Italian (or lingua italiana) is a Romance language spoken as a native language by about 70 million people in Italy, San Marino and parts of Switzerland, Croatia, Slovenia and France. In addition, it is spoken by an additional 120 to 150 million people as a non-native language. Most native speakers are native bilinguals of both standardised Italian and regional varieties. In Switzerland, Italian is one of four official languages, spoken mainly in the Swiss cantons of Grigioni and Ticino.
This description uses material from the Wikipedia article on Italian language and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License (view authors).