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1/28/21 - Reddit has waged war on hedge funds, and it's blown up on the media. TJ and I couldn't get in on GameStop, but we both invested in AMC, which seems like a solid bet given the situation. This is not a long-term investment, but it's a start, and I'll use the money I make from this as seed money for my actual long-term investments.
On Tuesday of this week my boyfriend sent me a request to join Robinhood. It is a free application that allows you to buy and sell stocks. He was showing me a couple of things that night about trading. I still have so much to learn. However, I did join and was given a free stock for Hecla Mining. Amazingly enough the stock seems to stay pretty steady. It doesn't really go up or down. Later I bought a share in Ford which continues to go down, but I'm going to hold on to it. It cost me a entire $10. I was thinking about buying some shares with Starbucks actually. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know. I was looking into Netflix, but one share is $471.13. I'm taking it that is due to this pandemic. People were staying home watching Netflix. I wonder if it will, or how much it will go down once people are back out doing things?