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Break a bad habit
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Biting my nails
This is both soda (specifically cola and pepsi) and chocolate. The caffeine or chemicals in the colas affect my mental health (I've been doing some detox on them to see the difference) and unless I specifically buy lacto/dairy free chocolate it makes me sick. I hate paying extra for 'special' chocolate so better not to bother or reduce right down. Also trying to tackle eating issues so these are good ones to work on. If I think I've stopped/reduced drastically by end of Sept I can mark this as complete
Restarted 30/9/2019
Bad Habit: Biting my lips
Restarted 15/06/2019
My bad habits:

1. eating candy every day

2. read, be on the computer or sit in bed (bad for posture)

3. drinking sodas (especially coke cola)

4. buying fast food more than once a week

5. not eating breakfast

6. waking up late

7. having the tv on all day

Restarted 05/01/2019
Until I get my haircut again, restarting 26/10/18
Picking at my split ends. Started [1/9/2018]
eating healthy, without gluten
I have a horrible habit of scraping the sides of my thumbs near the nail with my index finger. I started it when I quit biting my nails as a teen, and I haven’t figured out how to stop. It’s a nervous/stress habit, so I’ll need to focus on that to alleviate the urge
1. non- spending too much time surfing the internet

2. stop cleaning armpit

3. stop watching movie , listening to music on youtube