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On 962 lists and 54 people have done it.
Dec 7 - Viceregal - relating to a viceroy
Dec 8 - Pyroxene - large class of rock-forming silicate minerals
Dec 9 - Pone - unleavened cornbread
Dec 10 - Raku - A kind of lead-glazed Japanese earthenware, typically irregular in shape and used in a tea ceremony
Dec 11 - Zeaxanthin - carotenoid present in the retina of the eye and in many plants, used as a food additive and supplement
Dec. 12 - Myoglobin - Red protein containing heme, which carries and stores oxygen in muscle cells
Dec. 13 - Tenebrous - obscure or murky; dark
Dec. 14 - Parlance - the way of speaking or using words, especially among groups of people with a common job or interest
Dec. 15 - Magniloquent - Using pompous and grandiose speech
Dec. 16 - Marist - member of the Society of Mary
Dec. 17 - Dentate - having a toothlike or serrated edge
Dec. 18 - Fenugreek - white-flowered herbaceous plant of the pea family
Dec. 19 - Mesic - containing a moderate amount of moisture
Dec. 20 - Myoglobin - red protein containing heme, which carries and stores oxygen in muscle cells
Dec. 21 - Maiolica - fine earthenware with colored decoration on an opaque white tin glaze
Nov 1 - Quirt - short-handled riding whip with a braided leather lash
Nov 2 - Thermistor - electrical resistor whose resistance is greatly reduced by heating, used for measurement and control
Nov 3 - Abeyance - Temporarily not in use
Nov 4 - Temerarious - reckless, rash
Nov 5 - Susurrous - full of whispering sounds
Nov 6 - Torero - a bullfighter
Nov 7 - Alky - An Alcoholic
Nov 8 - Pula - the basic monetary unit of Botswana, equal to 100 thebe
Nov 9 - Corniche - Road running alongside a coast usually built on an embankment or cliff
Nov 10 - Luff - the edge of a fore and aft sail next to the mast or stay
Nov 11 - Rupiah - Basic monetary unit of Indonesia
Nov 12 - Alb - White vestment worn by clergy and servers in some Christian churches
Nov 13 - Mesclun - salad made from a selection of lettuces and other edible leaves
Nov 14 - Disputatious - Loud or causing heated arguments
Nov 15 - Prolixity - Tendency to be wordy and redundant
Nov 16 - Disputatious - fond of or causing heated arguments
Nov 17 - Raconteur - person good at telling stories in an interesting and humorous way
Nov 18 - Clinomania - Excessive desire to stay in bed
Nov 19 - Punctilious - Excessive attention to correct behavior and conduct
Nov 20 - Ferule - A flat ruler with a widened end, formerly used for punishing children
Nov 21 - Deponent - Passive or middle in form, but active in meaning
Nov 22 - Abligurition - Prodigal expense for food
Nov 23 - miry - very muddy or boggy
Oct 1 - Bonzer
Oct 2 - Armamentarium
Oct 3 - Guileless
Oct 4 - Estancia
Oct 5 - Babesiosis
Oct 6 - Maudlin
Oct 7 - Celerity
Oct 8 - Putto
Oct 9 - Nomothetic
Oct 10 - Cambium
Oct 11 - Lunker
Oct 12 - Hypnagogic
Oct 13 - Effulgent - Radiant or glowing
Oct 14 - Noh - Japanese masked drama
Oct 15 - Peregrinate - travel or wander usually on foot in unfamiliar territory
Oct 16 - Pulchritude - Physical appeal; attractiveness
Oct 17 - Eutrophication - excessive richness of nutrients in a lake or other body of water
Oct 18 - Fantod - uneasiness or restlessness caused by tension
Oct 19 - Dewlap - fold of loose skin hanging from the neck or throat of an animal
Oct 20 - flagitious - extremely criminal or wicked
Oct 21 - Operose - Involving a lot of labor or effort
Oct 22 - Prosopagnosia - Neurological condition characterized by the inability to recognize the faces of familiar people
Oct 23 - Estancia - Cattle ranch in Latin America or soutwestern US
Oct 24 - Australopithecine - fossil bipedal primate both ape-like and human like
Oct 25 - consanguineous - relating to or denoting people descended from the same ancestor
Oct 26 - Figmental - imaginary, invented or fantasized
Oct 27 - Smolt - Young Salmon or Trout after the parr stage, when it becomes silvery and migrates to the sea for the first time
Oct 28 - Susurrous - full of whispering sounds
Oct 29 - Bricoleur - Person who engages in bricolage
Oct 30 - acyclovir - antiviral drug used chiefly in the treatment of herpes and AIDS
Oct 31 - Hidalgo - A gentleman
Oct 29


n - informal chat

Oct 30


v - to catch sight of or to discover

Oct 31


n - a confused mass

Nov 1


adj - expressing absolute certainty

Nov 2


n - ball of thread, cord or yarn

Nov 3


adj - cheap or trivial of its

Nov 4


v - to make a shrill creaking noise when rubbing 2 body parts together

Nov 5


n - a usually short fictitious story that illustrates a moral attitude or a religious principle

Nov 6


adj - shaping or having the power to shape disparate things into a unified whole

Nov 7


n - the original pattern to model of which all things of the same type are representations or copies: prototype

Nov 8


adj - of, relating to, or typical of a public official in the Chinese Empire of any of nine superior grades

Nov 9


v - to take a liking — used with to

Nov 10


n - an emotion of sympathetic pity

Nov 11


adj - marked by fearless resolution

Nov 12


v - to show hesitation or lack of decisiveness or resolution

Nov 13


n - a man devoted to a life of sensual pleasure

Nov 14


adj - outstanding

Nov 15


n - the quality or state of being proximate : closeness

Nov 16


v - to spend time idly

Nov 17


n - a blind with adjustable horizontal slats for admitting light and air while excluding direct sun and rain

Nov 18


v - to praise usually to excess

Nov 19


adj - marked by often extreme intensity of feeling

Nov 20


v - to make a sustained deep murmuring, humming, or buzzing sound

Nov 21


adj - eccentrically silly, giddy, or inane : ditzy

Nov 22


v - to remove from recognition or memory

Nov 23

non sequitur

n - an inference that does not follow from the premises

Nov 24


adj - sticky, viscid

Nov 25


n - an item of food; especially : a choice or tasty dish

Nov 26


adj - notably or brilliantly outstanding because of dignity or achievements or actions

Nov 27


v - to heat and then cool (a material, such as steel or glass) usually for softening and making less brittle; also : to cool slowly usually in a furnace

Nov 28


one that initiates a major change : a person or thing that originates or helps open up a new activity, method, or technology

Nov 29


to avoid work or responsibility
Oct 29


n - informal chat

Oct 30


v - to catch sight of or to discover

Oct 31


n - a confused mass

Nov 1


adj - expressing absolute certainty
(from dictionary.com) or (randomword.com)

1. centenarian: (noun) a person who has reached the age of 100

2. sinker: (noun) /slang/ a doughnut or, sometimes, a biscuit or muffin

3. athleisure: (noun) a style of clothing worn as athletic apparel but also suitable for casual, everyday wear

4. notabilia: (noun) matters, events, or items worthy of note

5. vim: (noun) lively or energetic spirit; enthusiasm; vitality

6. brinkmanship: (noun) the technique or practice of maneuvering a dangerous situation to the limits of tolerance or safety in order to secure the greatest advantage, especially by creating diplomatic crises

7. ectopia: (noun) displacement of internal organs in the body

8. largifical: (adj) ample; bountiful

9. conflagration: (noun) a destructive fire, usually an extensive one

10. hireling: (noun) a person who works only for pay, especially in a menial or boring job, with little or no concern for the value of the work

11. aegis: (noun) protection; support

12. prelapsarian: (adj) characteristic of or pertaining to any innocent or carefree period

13. ophiasis: (noun) baldness in wavy bands

14. sibylline: (adj) mysterious, cryptic

15. trothplight; (noun) engagement to be married; betrothal

16. expostulate: (verb) to reason earnestly with someone against something that person intends to do or has done

17. sui generis: (adj). /Latin/ of his, her, its, or their own kind; unique

18. whizzo: (adj) /British slang/ absolutely first-rate; superb; excellent

19. sundog: (noun) a bright circular spot on a solar halo

20. confusticate: (verb) /slang/ to confuse or perplex; bewilder

21. estival: (adj) pertaining or appropriate to summer

22. apple-polish: (verb) /informal/ to curry favour with someone, especially in an obsequious or flattering manner

23. cacoepy: (noun) incorrect pronunciation or an instance of this; mispronunciation

24. maffick: (verb) /British/ to celebrate with extravagent public demonstrations

25. doublethink: (noun) the acceptance of two contradictory ideas or beliefs at the same time

26. beatinest: (adj) most remarkable or unusual

27. parallax: (noun) the apparent displacement of an observed object due to a change in the position of the observer

28. interdigitate: (verb) to interlock, as or like the fingers of both hands

29. ophidian: (noun) a snake

30. divagate: (verb) to wander, stray

incongruous: not in harmony or keeping with the surroundings or other aspects of something: "the duffel coat looked incongruous with the black dress she wore underneath"

synonyms: out of place · out of keeping · inappropriate · unsuitable · [more]
Conciliatory: intended or likely to placate or pacify
16th. Fetid - smelly

17th. Maladroit - clumsy/ inelegant

18th. Stupefying- amazing

19th. Fervent - ecstatic

20th. Enervated - tired

21st. Conflagrate - burn

22nd. Mythos - tradition

23rd. Enfeebled - ill

24th. Culpability - guilt

25th. Convalesce - recover

26th. Prevenient - beginning

27th. Viable - occupied

28th. Insouciant - easy going

1st. Stout - healthy
October 2014, expanding my vocabulary!
Eens kijken hoe ver ik kan komen in oktober.

1 oktober - mutualiteit (wederkerigheid)
1st - althorn it's a musical instrument!
1. /aubade/ a morning love song

2. /alexithymia/ an inability to describe emotions in a verbal manner

3. /brontide/ the low rumble of distant thunder

4. /comely/ pleasing and wholesome in appearance; attractive

5. /dawdle/ to walk slowly and idly; take one's time

6. /eloquence/ fluent and effective use of language

7. /ferroviaire/ relatif aux chemins de fer

8. /feckless/ feeble and incompetent; irresponsible

9. /funicular/ operating by cable with descending and ascending cars counterbalanced

10. /gobbledygook/ pompous or unintelligible language used by officials (gibberish)

11. /hebdomadal/ weekly (formal)

12. /igneous/ of fire; fiery.

13. /judicious/ judging wisely, showing good sense

14. /kith/ friends and relations (as in kith and kin)

15. /latchkey/ the key of an outer door

16. /mackintosh/ a raincoat; waterproof material of rubber and cloth

17. /nefarious/ wicked

18. /oodles/ a great quantity (informal)

19. /palliate/ make less intense or severe; excuse (an offence, etc)

20. /quisling/ a traitor, one who collaborates with an enemy occupying his own country

21. /russet/ soft reddish brown

22. /syrinx/ the part of a bird's throath where its song is produced

23. /tome/ a book or volume, especially a large heavy one

24. /uxorious/ obsessively fond of one's wife

25. /vitiate/ make imperfect, spoil

26. /wassail/ making merry (at Christmas) with much drinking

27. /welkin/ (poetic) the sky

28. /xerography/ a dry copying process

29. /yarn/ a tale especially one that's exaggerated or invented

30. /zippy/ lively, speedy
December Goal

Dec 1 - zeugma

Meaning: A term to describe a word that is used to modify or govern two or more words in a sentence. "He caught three trout and a cold."
1- pungente

i. Que punge. = PICANTE

ii. [Figurado] Doloroso ou comovedor.
in your birthday month.. march.
Necropolis, noun. An ancient burial ground (usually a structure).
Aug 14 - captious - cynical, argumentative
Aug 15 - pelimic - a conversation of high controversy