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Clean out my email inbox(s)

Work inbox cleaned out today. DONE!!!

All personal inboxes are cleaned. I still need to clean out my work inbox.

Begonnen met verwijderen en bovendien het afmelden bij nieuwsbrieven

Today I was well over 13k emails (lots and lots of email lists for years) and I am down to 11772 right now. Decent progress but SO much more to go!

Just started on one email address and removed 3000+ junk emails nd newsletters I don't even read, thank goodnesss for scehdule clean-up option lol. Another 1000+ to go plus3 other email inbox's

Cleaned out outlook and gmail inboxes on 7/2

I deleated them just now and feel good about this (: an my text messages too!

hotmail account sorted Feb 2012. Yay!
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