Supposedly bridges & planks do the same work, but today I did a 3 minute bridge & shortly later did a 30 second plank before my L knee started hurting and I could feel that my back was starting hurt which I'm pretty sure means my form was bad. I'm perplexed why my L knee hurt- if a knee hurts it's always my R one because I've had surgery on it twice.
But since the format of last month didn't get me where I wanted it to, partly because of my inconsistency, I decided I'd start this month with just seeing where I was at. Also debating between doing only 1 challenge or all 5 or just some.
Squats & wallsits do the same thing. When I was in PT a couple months ago she had me do wallsits before we started doing squats, so I should probably stick with that. And I only managed a 1-minute wallsit, so I've got a ways to go before I reach 5 minutes.
If I'm going off of the idea that bridges & planks do the same work, I feel like I should work on a 5+ minute bridge before changing to planks, because at least a bridge seems do-able. But since I'm not finding them to be an equal conversion, I feel like I should work up to a 10 or at least a 7 minute bridge before trying planks.
I suck at situps. So I'm saving them for last in hopes that they will miraculously be easier by the time I get around to them. I did just manage to do 30 of them- I think they were more accurately curls since I only got my head / shoulder blades off the ground and then somewhere around 25 my lower back started feeling it so I guess my form was bad.
Which leaves me with pushups- I managed a whole 15 of them today.
Not very energized by these results at the moment.
(less) (less)Supposedly bridges & planks do the same work, but today I did a 3 minute bridge & shortly later did a 30 second plank before my L knee started hurting and I could feel that my back was starting hurt which I'm pretty sure means my form was bad. I'm perplexed why my L knee hurt- if a knee hurts it's always my R one because I've had surgery on it twice.
But since the format of last month didn't get me where I wanted it to, partly because of my inconsistency, I decided I'd start this month with just seeing where I was at. Also debating between doing only 1 challenge or all 5 or just some.
(...more)Supposedly bridges & planks do the same work, but today I did a 3 minute bridge & shortly later did a 30 second plank before my L knee started hurting and I could feel that my back was starting hurt which I'm pretty sure means my form was bad. I'm perplexed why my L knee hurt- if a knee hu