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Tie a note to a balloon and let it go

I can't bring myself to pollute the environment, and I can't find an eco way to this as an alternative.

This was one of the first goals I ever added back when I first signed up to this website, when the idea of releasing a balloon sounded cute and fun. It didn't take me long to realise that I would never complete this goal, because our struggling world doesn't need another balloon released into it. Still, I decided not to remove it from my list as I thought that I could find an alternative way of completing it. I researched alternatives to balloon releases and found that many of those alternatives are no more environmentally friendly. In the end I have made a donation to the UK charity Marine Conservation Society.

Please don't do this! It's really bad for the environment and kills animals, including sea turtles.

Mit Kevin <3

When my grandma died of cancer, a year later and every year on her death anniversary we let off balloons with notes on them for her to read up in heaven.

A quote de A Menina que Roubava Livros.

The note I tied to the balloon said this, "Life is tough, but so are you. Find a reason to smile today. Also, read the Book of Mormon! It will bring a happiness deeper than you have known into your life." Then I wrote my phone number hoping whoever finds it will contact me :)

So I didn't want to pollute the environment and all and was looking for some eco-friendly alternative. This proved to be pretty difficult because any time you're just gonna leave something out in the world, you're kinda polluting. So Instead I found a Jewish farm in upstate New York that is trying to create a sustainable irrigation system in order to save soil and water, and they also teach anyone who works on the farm with them Yiddish. This resonated with me so I decided wtf I'd rather do something good than just let a balloon fly away and land in some tree. So that's what I did.

Idk I might try to find some alternative that doesn't like pollute shit lol

Macedonia & Bulgaria September 2015

This is illegal in many places, and bad for wildlife!

The one bright spot I the middle of the dark, night sky.

Not only did I put a note on a balloon, but I also used this as a topic for a photo: Last Night On Earth.

04/08/2013 Be the blanket for my bones / Be the place that I call home

Did this at the end of 2012 for my Cousin Anthony Burke x

Balloons have been bought and one already blown up for curiosity's sake ;) I got yellow pearl balloons just for fun. Will photograph and share when I actually do this one.

I did this 5/6/13 and it was surprisingly fun. The note on it said, "But overcome space and all we have left is Here. Overcome time, and all we have left is Now." It is a quote from Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach.

3-9-12 Huwelijk Peter en Lenie

1/11/13- Sent a note via balloon as a tribute to Lee on his Birthday.

Good-bye 2012,
I'll forget you and will never look back on you - though you've learned me a lot.
Welcome 2013,
Give me the best you've got, and I'll promise you: I'll be the best I can be - you'll be my year!!!
I'll forget you and will never look back on you - though you've learned me a lot.
Welcome 2013,
Give me the best you've got, and I'll promise you: I'll be the best I can be - you'll be my year!!!

are you waiting for a sign? this is it, do it! it will be amazing

"Luctor Et Emergo"

Today was my best friend's birthday. I wrote a note to her and released it with balloons. R.I.P.

The boys and I wrote birthday wishes to GG. We bought two balloons and tied them together. In the chaos of life and not having time to go elsewhere to let them go. We did it in the backyard, where we have many trees. There was no wind and I positioned us as far away from trees as possible. The boys let them go and a wind picked up. The balloons and notes are in one of our trees. Jack and I were devastated. Although this goal is "complete" it was a total fail....

Completed 02/07/10 with my beloved Karen in Central Park (by the lake), with two balloons (one red, one yellow).

Feb 14th - Work Balloon

Once I tried a balloon race, within seconds my balloon was trapped in a nearby tree!

when you go to diu..let it go at sea shore

take a picture, get a copy of the note

I already have the balloon: yellow with a smiley =)

If I leave my phone number on the note, what are the chances I get a call back?


December 2, 2011. w/ Raquel & Wendi during First Fridays.

The note had a few of my favorite quotes on it:
Falling doesn't make you a failure. Staying down does.
Be brave. Take risks. Nothing can substitute experience.
Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength.
Falling doesn't make you a failure. Staying down does.
Be brave. Take risks. Nothing can substitute experience.
Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength.

madrugada de 01.01.2012 :)

Juntamente com duas pessoas muito importantes =)

Chelsea, Krysta and I all wrote insperational letters on pieces of paper and tied them to yellow balloons and let them go (:
I wish I could see the people that find them.
(Johnstown, CO)
I wish I could see the people that find them.
(Johnstown, CO)

November 8, 2010 - Used the balloons from the SMS football banquet and put on the note that the balloons were released on 11-8-2010 from Hoover, AL and that it was one of the 101 things to do in 1001 days on my list. Included the web site so hopefully whoever finds it wil consider writing their own list. (24/08/2011)

Samenloop voor hoop. 29 mei, om vier uur met Simone

Fun day with my cousin.(:

Taylor's Birthday!

I have done this on countless occasions at the Red Robin in Enfield.

5/30/11 Sent a Prayer off. Used an Elmo Balloon!

29 Mei, 2011, Samenloop voor hoop. Samen met Simone, los gelaten om vier uur bij het laatste rondje :)
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