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Send 101 postcards via / Answer at least one of the "50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind" every week / 🤗 Identify 100 things that make me happy / 🎶 Write a song / 💑 Get a boyfriend / 🤔 Answer the "50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind" / Ask for a cute guy's number / Learn to say "I love you" in 10 different languages / 🧠 Expand my vocabulary by 100 words / 🍾 Send a message in a bottle / 🎈 Tie a note to a balloon and let it go / 📱 Buy a new phone / Update my blog at least once a month / Write a list of things that each person in my life has taught me / Participate in Postcrossing / Learn to speak Spanish / 💍 Get engaged / Make 3 new friends / 👋🏼 Reconnect with an old friend / Learn British Sign Language / 📝 Start a blog / Take a sign language course / Learn to play bridge / Write a new list for the next 1001 days / Make a list of friends to keep in touch with regularly / Learn to say "Thank You" in 10 different languages / Get a new phone / Write a letter to my future husband / Take a course in Leadership / 😘 Have my first kiss / Learn to speak basic Chinese / Learn basic sign language / Be a better friend / 👋🏽 Learn the alphabet in sign language / Contact a long lost friend / Learn to say "I love you" in 10 languages / Blog at least once a week / Go a whole day without swearing / Read 7 Habits of Highly Effective People / Sent out cards to 20 different countries through postcrossing / Participate in a Chinese fire drill / Learn to speak another language fluently / Rekindle an old friendship / 🌙 Stay up all night talking / Don't speak a single word for a day / Be a mentor to someone / Send 10 Postcards via PostCrossing / Become a lifeguard / Don't speak for a whole day / Learn a second language / Teach my dog a new trick / Go one week without swearing / Don't swear for a whole week / Don't speak for an entire day / Reconnect with people with whom I've lost contact / Make a list of my 100 most favorite quotes / Make and send a postcard to PostSecret / Learn to speak another language / Reconnect with someone I lost contact with / Learn Morse code / Learn to speak basic Czech / Ask a girl out on a date / 🤐 Don't swear for a week / Sign up and participate in / Write a handwritten letter to someone / Ask a random guy on a date / Get back in touch with five people I have lost contact with / Learn a new card game / 👫 Make a list of what I'm looking for / what is important to me in a relationship / Update my blog at least once a week / Join Twitter / Write myself a mail via / Send a card/gift/flowers to Mum just because / Write another list of 101 things to do for the next 1001 days / Learn how to speak German / Receive cards from 20 different countries through Postcrossing / Send a postcard through / 🙌🏼 Learn sign language / Learn how to speak Spanish / Learn how to speak Italian / 🎤 Sing in front of people / Finish a game of Monopoly / Learn conversational Spanish / Make a new best friend / Learn to speak Korean / Speak Spanish fluently / Take a sign language class / Overcome my shyness / 📱 Buy a new cellphone / Go a whole week without swearing / 💌 Write a love letter to my husband / Take improv classes / Put together a disaster preparedness kit / Introduce myself to someone new, every month / Assemble an earthquake kit / Visit the Newseum WASHINGTON, D.C. / Reconnect with a long lost friend / 📝 Send a handwritten letter / 👋🏼 Have a conversation with a complete stranger / Ask a stranger on a date / Learn some basic sign language / Start a podcast / Learn to say hello in 10 languages / Start writing / Learn how to say "I love you" in 10 different languages / 🖋️ Write a hand written letter to someone / Do not complain for a week / Wave at little kids on a school bus / Make a list of 101 things I'm thankful for / Write a letter to someone who has inspired me / Blog at least twice a week / Learn how to say "I love you" in five different languages / Blog at least once a week for a year / ✨ Make a list of 101 quotes that inspire me / Don't swear for a week / Learn to speak Russian / Learn to speak a foreign language fluently / Learn how to say 'Hello' in 10 different languages / 🎲 Have a family game night / Write a letter to three people who have made a difference in my life / 🗣️ Learn to say thank you in 10 languages / Reconcile with my family / Develop a family mission statement / Learn how to ask for a beer in 25 languages / Learn a new word and use it in a conversation / Write a letter to my MP / 🗣️ Learn to speak Dutch / Start a new podcast / 🎤 Speak in front of a crowd of over 100 / Learn to speak a new language fluently / Collect 101 postcards through Postcrossing / Send one handwritten letter per month for a year / Go on a date at least once every month for a year / Make a list of 100 quotes that inspire me / Make plans to travel to another country / Start a blog or journal / Sign up for Postscrossing and send 5 postcards / Send 50 postcards through / Send myself an e-mail via / Keep a blog for a year / Develop my own catch phrase / Write an e-mail to my favorite author / Make a list of 50 quotes that inspire me / Take an improv comedy class / Meet an internet friend in person / Learn to speak conversational Spanish / Work in a hostel / Overcome my fear of public speaking / Learn how to speak a new language / Write a letter to my favorite author / Master a video game / Send a handwritten letter every month / Learn 100 basic ASL (American Sign Language) signs / Create a Twitter account / Find someone who really loves me / Start writing everyday / Be more awesome / Try blogging / Start visiting my mum at least once a month / Haggle at an open market / Write a letter to my favorite teacher / Learn to speak my mind / Go out on a date night once a month with my husband / Play charades / Talk to one stranger a day for 2 weeks / Be fluent in sign language / Listen to a podcast every week / Go on a date every month / Become converstional in Russian / Watch a TED talk / Teach a child something I wish I knew at that age / 🎞️ Visit the National Media Museum ENGLAND / Overcome the fear of rejection by asking out a stranger / Identify 100 things that make me happy (besides money) / Reconcile with my parents / Travel alone in a country where you don't know the language / Coach kids / Get married and stay married / Tell my brothers I love them / Have an enlightening/ meaningful convo with someone I meet on a plane or train / Learn To Say Exactly What I Mean / Survive 12-12-12 / Read a book out loud to someone else / Learn my name in Morse code / Catch up with a different friend each month / Travel alone in a country where I don't know the language / Visit the Deutsches Museum GERMANY / 👫 Have a tech-free date together / Make a relationship time capsule / Attend a motivational seminar / Attend a leadership training program / Start and successfully run a business /