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Ride the paternoster lift / 🕯 Visit Auschwitz POLAND / Celebrate La Diada de Sant Jordi (Lover's Day) in Barcelona SPAIN / Participate in the Romerias de Mayo Cultural Extravaganza CUBA / See the largest site of Roman remains in North Africa at Volubilis MOROCCO / Visit the Tallinn Town Hall Square ESTONIA / Visit the Corniche Lavaux Vineyards SWITZERLAND / See the Tia Seu Ancient Mound SAMOA / Enjoy Mombasa's Arab flavour in the Old Town KENYA / Explore Gef Pago Park, a living museum that showcases Chamorros lifestyle GUAM / Be a tourist in my own city / Visit the Eisenhower Presidential Library and Museum KANSAS / 🚣♀️ Go punting on the River Cam in Cambridge ENGLAND / See the laser show at Stone Mountain Park GEORGIA / 🎨 Visit the Dali Theatre and Museum SPAIN / Explore Cele Kula Nis in Serbia SERBIA / Explore Cracow and its the medieval market square (UNESCO) POLAND / Take a ferry from the Eminonu dock in Istanbul to the Princes' Islands TURKEY / Visit St Abbs SCOTLAND / Visit the Mekong River VIETNAM / 🙏🏽 See 'Christ the Redeemer' statue in Brazil BRAZIL / Visit Saaremaa Island ESTONIA / Attend a Renaissance Festival / Visit the Islamic Art Museum in the Old Ottoman city TURKEY / 🏰 Visit the Kremlin RUSSIA / Take a local boat along the canals of St. Petersburg RUSSIA / Visit Cuchi ANGOLA / 🎡 Visit Tivoli Gardens Amusement Park DENMARK / Explore the UNESCO World Heritage City of Bruges BELGIUM / Visit Peasholm Park ENGLAND / 🌸 Visit the Shrines and Temples of Nikkō JAPAN / Explore the 15th century Bunratty Castle and its medieval fortress IRELAND / Witness the dramatic basalt sculptures at the La Democracia archaeological site GUATEMALA / Hike up to Bled Castle SLOVENIA / Visit Ballybunion IRELAND / Do a spice-island tour in Zanzibar TANZANIA / Visit Calonda ANGOLA / Visit the Waverly Hills Sanatarium KENTUCKY / Explore the oasis town of El Golea, the pearl of the desert ALGERIA / Take a photo of the Bridge over the River Kwai THAILAND / Climb Mount Vaea SAMOA / Visit the Monastery of the Hieronymites and Tower of Belem in Lisbon PORTUGAL / See the Ateni Sioni Church GEORGIA / See the Casa de la Vall, the ancient seat of the government ANDORRA / Visit Butrint ALBANIA / Ride the Palace on Wheels luxury tourist train INDIA / Visit Monticello / Visit the lakeside village of Hallstatt AUSTRIA / Visit the Luxor Temple built by Pharaoh Amenhotep III EGYPT / Discover Istanbul's Old City TURKEY / Visit Whitefish Point Lighthouse and Museum MICHIGAN / Go on a bike ride through my old neighborhood / Visit the Aflaj Irrigation System OMAN / 👻 Visit the Winchester Mystery House CALIFORNIA / Visit Denmark / Visit the Pre-Hispanic Town of Uxmal MEXICO / Visit Meteor Crater ARIZONA / See the Victorian Royal Palace on the waterfront of Nuku'alofa TONGA / Visit the South London Parks LONDON / See the Temple of Horus EGYPT / Walk the Pembrokeshire Coastal path WALES / See the mysterious Lycian tombs at Kalkan TURKEY / Visit the Historic Villages of Shirakawa-gō and Gokayama JAPAN / Explore the pyramidal temples and causeways at the ruins of Tikal (UNESCO) GUATEMALA / Visit Cowbridge WALES / Take a train ride on the Benguela railway ANGOLA / Visit a lighthouse and go to the top / 🏛 Visit the Parthenon GREECE / 👀 Look at the Sistine Chapel ITALY / Travel to Mongolia / Stroll down to the Ancient Agora in Athens GREECE / Visit the holy site of Capernaum on the Sea of Galilee ISRAEL / Attend an art and food fiesta in San Miguel de Allende MEXICO / Visit Andulo ANGOLA / Be in Washington, DC during a Presidential Inauguration / Visit Battambang CAMBODIA / Visit Lincoln's Cottage WASHINGTON, D.C. / Travel to London ENGLAND / Visit Chalice Well Gardens ENGLAND / Find the Palace of the Grand Masters and the Street of Knights in Rhodes GREECE / Visit Kalemegdan Citadel SERBIA / Visit the Farne Islands ENGLAND / Visit Souq Waqif QATAR / Visit the Story Book Forest PENNSYLVANIA / Explore the country's first university, Leiden NETHERLANDS / 🚤 Take a glass-topped boat tour round Amsterdam's many waterways and harbour NETHERLANDS / Visit Kaunas LITHUANIA / Visit Monticello and the University of Virginia in Charlottesville VIRGINIA / Visit the Windmills of Kinderdijk NETHERLANDS / Take the Venice Simplon-Orient-Express from Venice to London ITALY / 🏔️ Trek to Machu Picchu PERU / 🚣♂️ Ride a gondola in Venice ITALY / 🌳 Visit Kew Gardens LONDON / 🏰 Visit Rosenborg Castle DENMARK / Visit the Roman Amphitheatre at Plovdiv BULGARIA / Visit the Bargello National Museum ITALY / Visit St Peter's Square VATICAN CITY / Visit the Old Bridge, Mostar BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA / 💤 Sleep in a windmill / Visit Bagrati Cathedral and Gelati Monastery GEORGIA / Go window shopping at the outlets of the medieval Schnoor district GERMANY / Visit Natchez National Historical Park MISSISSIPPI / Visit Lindenhof Hill SWITZERLAND / Visit Lava Hot Springs IDAHO / 🚶♀️ Walk around the Musee du Louvre FRANCE / 🍷 Visit Bordeaux FRANCE / Visit L'Union Estate on La Digue SEYCHELLES / Explore Madrid's Royal Palace SPAIN / Explore the old Swahili city at Lamu Island KENYA / Walk the Camino de Santiago from the French border to Santiago de Compostela SPAIN / Visit Stepanakert NAGORNO-KARABAKH REPUBLIC / Drive the Great Ocean Road AUSTRALIA / Visit Natchez Trace Parkway ALABAMA / Visit the Changdeokgung Palace Complex SOUTH KOREA / See the world's oldest stone monument, the Step Pyramid of Djoser EGYPT / Cycle one of the Romanian mountain trails ROMANIA / Visit the National Museum of Korea SOUTH KOREA / Visit the Church on the Spilled Blood RUSSIA / Stroll the cobbled streets of the medieval town of Sighisoara ROMANIA / Visit the Fortifications on the Caribbean Side of Panama PANAMA / Visit Het Loo Palace NETHERLANDS / Visit the Red Light District in Amsterdam NETHERLANDS / Visit Madurodam NETHERLANDS / 🏠 Visit the Anne Frank house NETHERLANDS / Sail on Lake Champlain VERMONT / 🇳🇱 Participate in the Queen's Day Celebrations in Amsterdam NETHERLANDS / Take a tour of the Palacio de la Moneda Cultural Center CHILE / Follow the Iditarod National Historic Trail ALASKA / Visit the baroque Savina Monastery MONTENEGRO / Travel on the Palace on Wheels in Rajasthan or the Deccan INDIA / 🧚♀️ Explore the Fairy-Tale Road in Frankurt GERMANY / Visit Hawa Mahal INDIA / Visit Nazareth Village ISRAEL / Visit Camp No-Be-Bo-Sco where the first Friday the 13th was filmed NEW JERSEY / 🌳 Visit Mount Vernon VIRGINIA / 🏰 Go castle-hopping in Schloss Linderhof GERMANY / See the ruins of the Valley of Tombs and the Monumental Arch in Palmyra SYRIA / See the JEATH War Museum in Kanchanaburi THAILAND / Visit Monte Alban MEXICO / Visit Havergate Island ENGLAND / Visit Maludi ANGOLA / 🚶♂️ Walk Edinburgh's Royal Mile SCOTLAND / Visit Milan's Duomo ITALY / Visit 5 National Parks / Visit the Emperors Yan and Huang sculpture CHINA / See the ruins of the 12th-century Tintagel Castle, the birthplace of King Arthur ENGLAND / Tour Hearst Castle CALIFORNIA / Visit the Anglo-Boer War Battlefields SOUTH AFRICA / Relax at a thermal Roman spa in Veneto ITALY / Visit Portugal's 7 wonders (Palacio da Pena, Castelo de Óbidos, Mosteiro de Alcobaca, Mosteiro dos Jeronimos, Mosteiro da Batalha, Torre de Belem, Castelo de Guimarães) PORTUGAL / Spend a night in a castle / 🏰 Visit the St. Magnus Cathedral in Orkney SCOTLAND / 🚶♂️ Walk along the 1800-year-old Hadrian's Wall that marks the northern boundary of the Roman Empire ENGLAND / Take a riverboat tour on the Mississippi MISSISSIPPI / Visit Castries SAINT LUCIA / Visit Lebanese Tripoli LEBANON / Visit Tumba ANGOLA / Visit Napa Valley CALIFORNIA / Visit Siem Reap CAMBODIA / Visit Muiderslot NETHERLANDS / Visit/travel to a city in Europe I have never been to / Visit Crater Lake OREGON / Visit the Channel Islands National Park CALIFORNIA / Spend the day in the Mediterranean old town and harbour, Kaleici TURKEY / Visit Champaner-Pavagadh Archaeological Park INDIA / 🎭 Spend a night at the opera in Vienna AUSTRIA / Visit Baden-Baden GERMANY / Stroll through Schonbrunn Palace Easter Market AUSTRIA / Visit the Old Town of Lijiang, Yunnan CHINA / See the murals in St. Barabara's Cathedral in Kutna Hora CZECH REPUBLIC / See the Great Zimbabwe ruins ZIMBABWE / Visit Korea's 'museum without walls' Gyeongju, near Busan (UNESCO) SOUTH KOREA / Visit the Chapel of Bones in Portugal PORTUGAL / Visit the ruins of the Roman town of Conimbriga PORTUGAL / Visit Cave of the Winds COLORADO / Visit Chad / Visit the Church of Our Savior on Spilled Blood RUSSIA / Visit the mausoleum of Che Guevara at Santa Clara CUBA / Go to the Forbidden City, Beijing CHINA / Visit the Luxor Temple EGYPT / Visit the Stanley Hotel COLORADO / Take the Lewis & Clark Caverns Tour MONTANA / Explore the Hagia Sophia TURKEY / Visit the Church of Blood in the Urals RUSSIA / Hike in Germany's oldest trail from Eisenach GERMANY / Visit the Larabanga Mosque GHANA / 🏰 Visit the Main Market Square (Rynek Glowny) in Krakow POLAND / Visit Da Nang VIETNAM / Visit Beethoven's Grave in Vienna AUSTRIA / Explore the Forbidden City in Beijing CHINA / Visit a lighthouse / Visit Trifels Castle (Kaiserburg Trifels) GERMANY / Visit the Minaret and Archaeological Remains of Jam AFGHANISTAN / Discover charming historic quarters in Liège BELGIUM / Visit Bojnice castle SLOVAKIA / Indulge in a bottle of Port at the port houses of Vila Nova de Gaia PORTUGAL / 🏰 Visit Mannheim Palace GERMANY / Visit Chibia ANGOLA / Visit Quipungo ANGOLA / Attend the International Friendship Exhibition in Myohyang-san NORTH KOREA / 🏰 Visit Palazzo Reale (Royal Palace of Milan) ITALY / 🕵️♀️ Visit Portland's Shanghai Tunnels OREGON / Visit Groningen NETHERLANDS / Visit Sheikh Safi al-Din Khānegāh IRAN / Drive up to the Eagle's Nest in Berchtesgaden GERMANY / Visit the Martyrs Memorial ALGERIA / 🏞️ Tour Valley Forge National Historical Park PENNSYLVANIA / See the giant wooden waterwheels of Hama SYRIA / Go on a river cruise at Douro Valley (UNESCO) PORTUGAL / Visit the Azraq fortress, the HQ of Lawerence of Arabia JORDAN / Visit the Democratic Republic of the Congo / Pay respects at the Armenian Cemetery and the Jewish Cemetery in Chisinau MOLDOVA / 🏰 Visit a medieval castle / Visit Hook Head IRELAND / See the Roman amphitheatre in Durrësi ALBANIA / Visit Vicksburg National Cemetery MISSISSIPPI / Explore Chinatown in Kuala Lumpur MALAYSIA / Take in the views along the vibrant waterfront of Cais da Ribeira (UNESCO) PORTUGAL / Travel back to the Renaissance in the Pied Piper's town of Hamelin GERMANY / Visit Jyväskylä FINLAND / Visit Holkham Beach ENGLAND / Visit the Swahili House Museum and the Fortress at Lamu KENYA / Stroll around the canals of Utrecht NETHERLANDS / Welcome the Islamic New Year with the locals BAHRAIN / Walk to Santiago de Compostela / Visit Little Norway WISCONSIN / 🎨 Visit the Louvre FRANCE / Visit Flinders Island, Tasmania AUSTRALIA / Visit Delft NETHERLANDS / Have a picnic in Jardin du Luxembourg FRANCE / Visit Zwolle NETHERLANDS / Visit Utrecht NETHERLANDS / Visit the Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument MONTANA / Cruise the Danube / Visit Cela ANGOLA / Celebrate Constitution Day with the locals POLAND / 🏰 Visit Bruges BELGIUM / Visit Saint James the Less Church ENGLAND / See the Palace of Versailles FRANCE / Visit Fingal's Cave SCOTLAND / Visit the homeplace of Vlad Draculea, Sighisoara ROMANIA / Visit the WWII battle sites at the Pacific National Historical Park GUAM / Explore Skopje NORTH MACEDONIA / Take a tour of the Fortress used to repel German forces in WWII in Brest BELARUS / Take a dip in the Roman baths of the limestone-clad Bath ENGLAND / Visit the Bodie Ghost Town CALIFORNIA / Visit the Old Town of Geneva SWITZERLAND / Visit West Virginia Independence Hall WEST VIRGINIA / 🚙 Go on a road trip / See the giant Motherland Calls statue in Volgograd RUSSIA / Visit the colonial town of Paraty BRAZIL / See the dramatic Fortaleza Real de Sao Filipe CAPE VERDE / Visit Negage ANGOLA / Visit Catumbela ANGOLA / 🏰 Visit St Peter's Basilica VATICAN CITY / Spend a day on Angel Island CALIFORNIA / Visit Jinja on the shores of Lake Victoria UGANDA / Travel India by train INDIA / Visit the Civil War Park in Vicksburg MISSISSIPPI / Visit Okefenokee Swamp Park GEORGIA / 🏛️ Visit a UNESCO World Heritage Site / Walk along Hadrian's wall UNITED KINGDOM / Visit the Berlin Wall GERMANY / Tour the Neuschwanstein Castle GERMANY / Visit Capitol Reef National Park UTAH / Visit Red Fort in Delhi INDIA / Visit St. George's GRENADA / Walk around the Monserrate gardens in Sintra PORTUGAL / Discover local history at the Georgian State Museum GEORGIA / Visit the Yungang Grottoes, Datong, Shanxi CHINA / Visit Holy Island ENGLAND / Visit Kinderdijk NETHERLANDS / Visit the Capitol Park Museum in Baton Rouge LOUISIANA / ⛏️ Explore Cornwall's ruined mines ENGLAND / Visit the Temple of Heaven CHINA / 🏯 Visit the Architectural Wonders of Bagan MYANMAR / 👑 See the Crown Jewels at the Tower of London ENGLAND / Visit the California African American Museum in Los Angeles CALIFORNIA / Sip a mint julep at Oak Alley Plantation in Vacherie LOUISIANA / See the 17th century canal ring area of Amsterdam inside the Singelgracht (UNESCO) NETHERLANDS / Visit Podgorica MONTENEGRO / Visit Molepolole BOTSWANA / Travel the Beartooth Highway MONTANA / 🏰 Discover the bohemian quarters of Montmarte and the dome of Sacre-Coeur FRANCE / Visit Montauk NEW YORK / Tour The Vatican Gardens VATICAN CITY / Visit Interlaken SWITZERLAND / Visit Caiengue ANGOLA / Pay a visit to the Fetish Temple in Abomey BENIN / Take a vacation to Florida / Travel on the Vietage Train VIETNAM / Explore Bender MOLDOVA / Visit the old slave market in Stone Town TANZANIA / 🌉 Cross the medieval Vecchio bridge ITALY / Explore a ghost town / Drive Skyline Drive VIRGINIA / Drive the Golden Road of Inderøy NORWAY / Visit Ouargla ‘the golden key to the desert' ALGERIA / 🏰 Visit Hue's Imperial City VIETNAM / Visit Monte Carlo MONACO /