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Visit Trim Castle IRELAND / Visit Kilkenny Castle IRELAND / Visit the historical centre of Ghent BELGIUM / Visit Caerphilly Castle WALES / Explore Cracow and its the medieval market square (UNESCO) POLAND / Visit Siena Cathedral ITALY / 🏰 Visit Siena ITALY / Attend the Arizona Renaissance Festival ARIZONA / 🏰 Explore the Wawel Castle in Cracow POLAND / 🍗 Go to the renaissance festival / Visit Hohensalzburg Castle (Festung Hohensalzburg) AUSTRIA / 🏰 Visit the Old City of Berne SWITZERLAND / Visit Castle Combe ENGLAND / 🏰 Visit Salisbury Cathedral ENGLAND / Visit Ludlow ENGLAND / Find the Palace of the Grand Masters and the Street of Knights in Rhodes GREECE / Visit Devin Castle SLOVAKIA / Visit Kasteel de Haar NETHERLANDS / 🏰 Visit a castle / Rediscover history at Carcassonne FRANCE / Read all Game of Thrones books / Explore the Knights Templar castle PORTUGAL / Visit Kryal Castle AUSTRALIA / Visit the Museum of Torture (Museo della Tortura) SAN MARINO / 🏰 Visit Carcassonne FRANCE / See the medieval-style monastery on Mount Alvernia BAHAMAS / 🏰 Visit Lincoln Cathedral ENGLAND / Watch Game of Thrones / Visit the Museum of Medieval Torture Instruments CZECH REPUBLIC / Do the Quasimodo tour of Burges BELGIUM / Visit Lavenham ENGLAND / Visit Nottingham Castle ENGLAND / Visit the Historic City of Toledo SPAIN / Explore the Romanesque and Gothic architecture of San Juan de la Pena SPAIN / Visit Salisbury ENGLAND / Watch every episode of Game of Thrones / Visit Transylvania ROMANIA / Visit Rye ENGLAND / Explore the 12th century Leeds Castle ENGLAND / Explore the 17th century Ostrog Monastery MONTENEGRO / Visit the Imperial Castle of Nuremberg (Kaiserburg Nürnberg) GERMANY / 🏰 Visit Edinburgh Castle SCOTLAND / Visit Strangers Hall Museum ENGLAND / Attend the Maryland Renaissance Festival MARYLAND / 🏰 Visit the Main Market Square (Rynek Glowny) in Krakow POLAND / 🏰 Visit the 10th century Blarney Castle IRELAND / Visit Trifels Castle (Kaiserburg Trifels) GERMANY / 🏰 Explore Corfu's Old Town, the medieval seaport protected by two castles (UNESCO) GREECE / 🏰 Visit Prague Castle CZECH REPUBLIC / Stroll through the walled towns of Obidos PORTUGAL / 🏰 Visit Caernarfon Castle WALES / Visit Kalmar Castle (Kalmar Slott) SWEDEN / 🗡️ See the Stirling Bridge, where William Wallace defeated the English SCOTLAND / 📖 Read Game of Thrones / Spend a night in a castle / Visit San Marino / 🏰 Visit The Shambles in York ENGLAND / Visit Castle of Sarospatak HUNGARY / Play Dungeons and Dragons / Visit Rochester ENGLAND / Attend the New York Renaissance Faire NEW YORK / Step back in time by visiting the Casa Loma castle in Toronto CANADA / Visit Castel Grande (Bellinzona, Castello d'Unterwalden) SWITZERLAND / Visit Nuremberg GERMANY / 🏰 Visit Eltz Castle GERMANY / Visit Gordes FRANCE / See Transylvania's numerous Saxon fortified churches ROMANIA / Complete Skyrim / 🏰 Visit Rothenburg ob der Tauber GERMANY / Visit Undredal stave church, one of the oldest in the country NORWAY / Visit Salzburg Castle (Kaiserburg Salzburg) GERMANY / Explore the historic Veliki Tabor and Trakošćan castles CROATIA / Visit Avila SPAIN /