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Visit the Berlin Wall GERMANY / 🏛️ Visit the Seattle Art Museum WASHINGTON / 🏛️ Visit the Tate Modern ENGLAND / 🏛 Visit Pompeii ITALY / Visit Chatsworth House ENGLAND / 🕯 Visit Auschwitz POLAND / Explore the Mogao Caves - Gansu China CHINA / 🚗 Drive Route 66 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / 🐼 Visit a Panda breeding facilty in China / 🕌 Visit Petra JORDAN / Visit the Killing Fields CAMBODIA / 🏛️ Visit a UNESCO World Heritage Site / 🏯 Visit the Ten Thousand Buddhas Monastery HONG KONG / 🇱🇦 Visit Laos / Visit Mendoza ARGENTINA / 🏞️ Visit Mesa Verde National Park COLORADO / 🏯 Visit the Prambanan Temples INDONESIA / 🏰 Visit Lincoln Cathedral ENGLAND / 🏛️ Visit the Archaeological Park and Ruins of Quirigua GUATEMALA / Visit the Pre-Hispanic Town of Uxmal MEXICO / Visit the Ruins of Leon Viejo NICARAGUA / Visit the Nazca Lines PERU / Visit Monticello and the University of Virginia in Charlottesville VIRGINIA / Visit Bratislava SLOVAKIA / Visit Djibouti City DJIBOUTI / 🌸 See Monet's Garden in Giverny FRANCE / Visit the Minaret and Archaeological Remains of Jam AFGHANISTAN / Visit the Historic Mosque City of Bagerhat BANGLADESH / Visit the Temple of Preah Vihear CAMBODIA / Visit the Leshan Giant Buddha CHINA / Visit the Classical Gardens of Suzhou, Jiangsu CHINA / Visit Bagrati Cathedral and Gelati Monastery GEORGIA / Visit the Ajanta Caves in Maharashtra INDIA / Visit Champaner-Pavagadh Archaeological Park INDIA / Visit Sheikh Safi al-Din Khānegāh IRAN / Visit Auschwitz-Birkenau POLAND / 🔬 Visit the Meguro Parasitological Museum JAPAN / 🏛️ Visit the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao SPAIN / Visit Holy Island ENGLAND / Visit MONA AUSTRALIA / Watch the ritual warfare (Pasola) that marks Nusa Tenggara's harvest festival INDONESIA / Sleep in Stalin's bedroom in the Green Grove Dacha RUSSIA / Visit the Zen rock garden of Ryoanji JAPAN / Explore the pyramids of the Sun and Moon at Teotihuacan MEXICO / Crawl through the Cu Chi, Viet Cong tunnels in Tay Ninh VIETNAM / Descend into a mine and explore 1000 years of mining history in Goslar GERMANY / Travel back to the Renaissance in the Pied Piper's town of Hamelin GERMANY / See the Romanesque cathedrals in Mainz GERMANY / Visit the mausoleum in Mahan IRAN / Visit the Archaeological Museum in Antalya TURKEY / Visit the Islamic Art Museum in the Old Ottoman city TURKEY / Discover Ottoman architecture in the historic town of Safranbolu TURKEY / See the JEATH War Museum in Kanchanaburi THAILAND / See Koh Pannyi, the village built on stilts THAILAND / 🚶♂️ Walk along the 1800-year-old Hadrian's Wall that marks the northern boundary of the Roman Empire ENGLAND / See the megalithic tombs and monuments at Burren IRELAND / Visit St. Gallarus Oratory at Dingle Peninsula IRELAND / See Skara Brae, a preserved Neolithic village SCOTLAND / See the catacombs and mummies at the Capuchin Monastery ITALY / Discover Venetian paintings at The Galleria dell'Accademia in Venice ITALY / Visit the Anglo-Boer War Battlefields SOUTH AFRICA / Visit Korea's 'museum without walls' Gyeongju, near Busan (UNESCO) SOUTH KOREA / Explore the Joseon palace at Seoul SOUTH KOREA / Explore Kiev's religious heritage at the Caves Monastery UKRAINE / See the Market Square at Lviv (UNESCO) UKRAINE / See the 11th-century St Sofia Cathedral UKRAINE / Watch traditional dancing in Bukoba TANZANIA / Discover the Kolo-Kondoa rock paintings TANZANIA / Do a spice-island tour in Zanzibar TANZANIA / Visit the old slave market in Stone Town TANZANIA / Visit Algiers' Bardo Ethnographic and Local Art Museum ALGERIA / Explore the renaissance-style market square in Zamość (UNESCO) POLAND / Visit Jinja on the shores of Lake Victoria UGANDA / See a drum-making village in the Mpanga Forest UGANDA / See displays of traditional dancing at the Bomas cultural centre KENYA / Catch a glimpse of Mount Athos (UNESCO) GREECE / Take a dip in one of the thermal springs in Greece GREECE / Buy local hand-woven textiles at San Antonio Aguascalientes GUATEMALA / Survey local handicrafts at Salama GUATEMALA / Visit the mausoleum of Che Guevara at Santa Clara CUBA / Explore Harrison's Cave by electric cart BARBADOS / Visit the Hermitage Amsterdam museum NETHERLANDS / See the cheese market at Waagplein in Alkmaar NETHERLANDS / Watch the skills of the porcelain makers at the Royal Delft pottery in Delft NETHERLANDS / 🖼️ See Van Gogh's paintings at Kröller-Müller Museum NETHERLANDS / See the Anne of Green Gables musical in Charlottetown CANADA / Visit an Aboriginal art community AUSTRALIA / See the baroque churches, cathedral and Roman ruins of Braga PORTUGAL / Explore the Côa Valley Archaeological Park (UNESCO) PORTUGAL / See the rock-carvings from the Palaeolithic period at the Côa Valley Archaeological Park (UNESCO) PORTUGAL / Take in the views along the vibrant waterfront of Cais da Ribeira (UNESCO) PORTUGAL / Walk around the Monserrate gardens in Sintra PORTUGAL / See Monsaraz sitting above the River Guardiana PORTUGAL / Visit the ruins of the Roman town of Conimbriga PORTUGAL / Tour the beautiful colonial buildings of the city of Granada NICARAGUA / 🧖♂️ Visit the Therme Vals (The Thermal Baths of Vals) SWITZERLAND / 🖼️ Stroll around the Nukus Art Gallery UZBEKISTAN / Explore the Sans Souci Palace ruins in Milot HAITI / Visit Juanita, the perfectly preserved Incan girl in the Museo Santuarios Andinos PERU / Visit the pyramid temples of the sun and the moon in Chan Chan (UNESCO) PERU / See the Victorian Royal Palace on the waterfront of Nuku'alofa TONGA / Scout for Tibetan handicrafts at the Bodnath Stupa NEPAL / Visit the Exhibition Centre in Myohyangsan NORTH KOREA / Visit the Tomb of King Kongmin in Kaesong NORTH KOREA / Visit the San Jose and Santo Domingo Church in Panama Viejo PANAMA / Visit Krobo Odumase Glass Bead Village GHANA / 🏰 Visit Hampton Court Palace ENGLAND / Stroll around the central market of Treichville CÔTE D'IVOIRE / See traditional arts and crafts in Fianarantsoa MADAGASCAR / Visit the Zafimaniny arts village MADAGASCAR / See the remains of the ancient capital of Anuradhapura SRI LANKA / Explore the colonial villas and the streets of the Dutch Fort of Galle (UNESCO) SRI LANKA / See the Temple of the Tooth, Dalada Maligawa (UNESCO) SRI LANKA / View religious art in Tirana, Korca and Berati ALBANIA / Visit Portugal's 7 wonders (Palacio da Pena, Castelo de Óbidos, Mosteiro de Alcobaca, Mosteiro dos Jeronimos, Mosteiro da Batalha, Torre de Belem, Castelo de Guimarães) PORTUGAL / Stroll around the Yerevan library of ancient manuscripts, Materadaran ARMENIA / Visit the Madriu valley (UNESCO) ANDORRA / Pay a visit to the Fetish Temple in Abomey BENIN / Explore the Museum of Cotonou BENIN / Visit the Painting School in Thimpu BHUTAN / Visit the Institute of 13 Arts and Crafts in Tashi Yangtse BHUTAN / Take a tour of the Fortress used to repel German forces in WWII in Brest BELARUS / Visit the National Museum of Belarusian History and Culture BELARUS / Learn about traditional arts and crafts of the Burundians at Giheta BURUNDI / Visit the Musee Vivant, a reconstructed open-air village displaying Burundian culture BURUNDI / Discover Lake Rweru BURUNDI / Visit the Roman Amphitheatre at Plovdiv BULGARIA / Pay homage at the Killing Fields outside Phnom Penh CAMBODIA / 🏰 See the medieval walled city of Dubrovnik CROATIA / Climb the tower of Euphrasius Basilica (UNESCO) CROATIA / Witness a Carib craftsman carving a traditional canoe at the Carib Indian Territory DOMINICA / See the murals in St. Barabara's Cathedral in Kutna Hora CZECH REPUBLIC / 🏞️ Visit Baños ECUADOR / Visit the Ingapirca site in Cuenca ECUADOR / Learn about Sami culture at Inari FINLAND / Visit the Gouyave Nutmeg Processing Station GRENADA / Visit the exhibition of the slave trade at Albreda and Jufureh THE GAMBIA / Explore the deserted black basalt city of Um al Jimal JORDAN / Discover the Ottaman ruins in Bitola NORTH MACEDONIA / Visit the Postage Stamp Museum of Vaduz LIECHTENSTEIN / Visit Gurudwara Bangla Sahib INDIA / 🌄 See the Fairy chimney formations in Cappadocia TURKEY / Vacation in the spa town of Borjomi GEORGIA / Take a sulphur bath at a 19th century bath in Tbilisi GEORGIA / See the medieval cities of Sopron and Kőszeg HUNGARY / Visit the Wat Phu temples and traditional villages LAOS / See the Roman Colosseum ITALY / See the Great Zimbabwe ruins ZIMBABWE / See the sculptures at Buddha Park LAOS / Visit the Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein (Liechtenstein Museum of Fine Arts) LIECHTENSTEIN / Visit the Old French Consulate LIBYA / Visit the Hill of Crosses LITHUANIA / Visit Trakai Island Castle & History Museum LITHUANIA / Visit Paneriai Museum LITHUANIA / Visit The New Masters Gallery (Galerie Neue Meister) GERMANY / See the 'Springtime of the Renaissance' exhibition in Florence ITALY / Visit the Carnegie Center for Art and History INDIANA / Visit the Dubuque Museum of Art IOWA / Visit the Spencer Museum of Art KANSAS / Visit the New Bedford Fire Museum MASSACHUSETTS / Visit the San Miguel Chapel in Sante Fe NEW MEXICO / Visit the Totem Heritage Center in Ketchikan ALASKA / Visit Big Hole National Battlefield MONTANA / Visit Goulding's Trading Post Museum UTAH / 🏛️ Visit the National Museum of the Marine Corps VIRGINIA / Visit the Berlinische Galerie (or Museum of Modern Art) GERMANY / Visit the Heidelberg Project MICHIGAN / Visit the Original Mast General Store NORTH CAROLINA / Visit Lincoln's Cottage WASHINGTON, D.C. / Visit Skara Brae SCOTLAND / Visit the Nyanza Kicukiro Memorial Site RWANDA / Explore the Molinere Underwater Sculpture Park GRENADA / Visit the House of Slaves SENEGAL / Visit the El Djem Colosseum TUNISIA / See the Sidi Driss ‘Star Wars' Hotel in Matmata TUNISIA / Hike up to Bled Castle SLOVENIA / Visit Nemrut Dagi TURKEY / 🏰 Visit a medieval castle / 🏰 Visit Elsinore DENMARK / Visit the Chapel of Bones in Portugal PORTUGAL / Visit the torture museum in Amsterdam NETHERLANDS / Visit El Capricho park SPAIN / See the giant Motherland Calls statue in Volgograd RUSSIA / 🏛️ Walk through the Brandenburg Gate GERMANY / 🏛️ Visit the Roman Forum ITALY / Visit the Lam Tsuen Wishing Tree HONG KONG / 🏰 Visit Mannheim Palace GERMANY / Visit Reed Gold Mine NORTH CAROLINA / Visit Thomas Hardy's house ENGLAND / Visit Crystal Bridges Art Gallery ARKANSAS / Visit Ubud INDONESIA / 💃 Catch a flamenco show in Andalusia SPAIN / Visit Allard Pierson Museum NETHERLANDS / Visit FOAM NETHERLANDS / Visit Kunsthal NETHERLANDS / Visit Verzetsmuseum NETHERLANDS / Drink airag in Mongolia MONGOLIA / Visit Kalmar Castle (Kalmar Slott) SWEDEN / Visit Trifels Castle (Kaiserburg Trifels) GERMANY / Visit the Central Zone of the Town of Angra do Heroismo in the Azores PORTUGAL / Visit the Garrison Border Town of Elvas and its Fortifications PORTUGAL / Visit the Monastery of the Hieronymites and Tower of Belem in Lisbon PORTUGAL / Visit the Cat Museum MALAYSIA / Visit the Catacombe dei Cappuccini di Palermo ITALY / Visit the Icelandic Phallological Museum ICELAND / Visit the Venustempel Sexmuseum NETHERLANDS / Visit the Sulabh International Museum of Toilets INDIA / Visit Mauritshuis NETHERLANDS / Visit the Tallinn Town Hall Square ESTONIA / Visit the Archaeological Site of Troy TURKEY / Visit the Aflaj Irrigation System OMAN / Visit Musee Marmottan-Monet PARIS / Visit the Gemeentemuseum Den Haag NETHERLANDS / Visit Kröller-Müller Museum NETHERLANDS / Visit Baalbek LEBANON / Visit Museo Sorolla MADRID / Visit Bregenz AUSTRIA / Visit Molepolole BOTSWANA / Visit Butrint ALBANIA / Visit the David Gareja monastery complex (Davit Gareja) GEORGIA / Visit Kechen Women's Pottery Cooperative ETHIOPIA / Visit Pyeongchang SOUTH KOREA / Visit Galle Fort SRI LANKA / Visit the Milan Cathedral ITALY / Visit the Museo Reina Sofia SPAIN / Visit the National Folk Museum of Korea SOUTH KOREA / Visit the State Tretyakov Gallery RUSSIA / Visit the Gyeongju National Museum SOUTH KOREA / Visit the Valencia Institute of Modern Art SPAIN / 🏰 Visit Palazzo Reale (Royal Palace of Milan) ITALY / Visit Mosteiro Dos Jeronimos PORTUGAL / Visit the Palazzo Strozzi museum ITALY / 🚂 Visit the National Railway Museum, York ENGLAND / Visit Bechtler Museum of Modern Art NORTH CAROLINA / 🏄 Try Sandboarding in Peru PERU / 🎈 See Hot Air Balloons at Sunrise at Goreme Sunset Point TURKEY / Visit the Bergstrom Mahler Museum WISCONSIN / Visit Avoyelles Parish LOUISIANA / Walk along Hadrian's wall UNITED KINGDOM / Visit The Legacy Museum in Montgomery ALABAMA / Visit the Whitney Plantation in Wallace LOUISIANA / Visit the California African American Museum in Los Angeles CALIFORNIA / Visit Niansogoni BURKINA FASO / Visit the Rafael Coronel Museum MEXICO / Visit the Sainsbury Center for Art ENGLAND / 🏰 Tour the Black Church in Brasov ROMANIA / 🏰 Tour Peles Castle ROMANIA / Take a tour of the Palacio de la Moneda Cultural Center CHILE / 🏛️ Visit the Museum of Tomorrow in Rio de Janeiro BRAZIL / Visit the colonial town of Villa de Leyva COLOMBIA / Visit the colonial town of Santa Fe de Antioquia COLOMBIA / Visit the Bolivian National Museum of Art BOLIVIA / 🗿 Visit the Laongo Sculpture Symposium BURKINA FASO / 🏰 Visit the St. Magnus Cathedral in Orkney SCOTLAND / Visit the Museum of the Paranormal in Niagara Falls CANADA /