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🏔️ Climb a mountain / Go backpacking / Go on a hike / Visit a new state / 🥾 Hike up a mountain / 🌋 Climb a volcano / 🌄 Climb Mount Fuji JAPAN / 🏔️ Climb Snowdon WALES / 🏔️ Climb Mount Kilimanjaro TANZANIA / Climb Mt. Kilimanjaro TANZANIA / Walk the Tongariro Crossing / 🏞️ Hike the Appalachian Trail UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Travel the world / 🏔️ Hike to the top of a mountain / 🏔️ Climb Mount Snowdon WALES / 🥾 Go hiking / 🏔️ Climb Kilimanjaro TANZANIA / Walk England from Coast to Coast / 🌴 Visit the Amazon Rainforest BRAZIL / 🌲 Visit Patagonia / Travel to Mongolia / Visit the Nanda Devi National Park INDIA / Climb to the top of a mountain / Visit Indonesia / 🏕️ Go on an overnight hiking trip / 🕌 Visit Petra JORDAN / Trek the Kokoda Trail PAPUA NEW GUINEA / Explore South America / Do the Tongariro Crossing NEW ZEALAND / 🌍 Make a list of 50 places I would like to visit in my lifetime / Visit Bhutan / 🏔️ Trek the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu PERU / 🏕️ Go on an overnight hike / 🥾 Hike the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu PERU / Visit Kyrgyzstan / Visit Komodo National Park INDONESIA / 🌄 Visit Cusco PERU / Visit Bishkek KYRGYZSTAN / Visit Kathmandu NEPAL / Visit Gunung Leuser National Park INDONESIA / 🦜 Explore the Amazon Rain Forest / Visit Borneo INDONESIA / Visit Mount Everest NEPAL / Visit the Himalayas NEPAL / 🏔️ Hike the Austrian Alps AUSTRIA / Take a road trip through the Western Ghats INDIA / Trek across the Valley of Flowers in Uttarakhand INDIA / Visit the crater lake in Gunung Rinjani INDONESIA / Trek in the Khunjerab Pass PAKISTAN / Hike to God's Window in the Canyon Reserve SOUTH AFRICA / 🌄 Hike the Drakensburg mountain trails SOUTH AFRICA / 🏞️ Hike in the Seoraksan National Park SOUTH KOREA / Explore the caves and lake at Pindaya MYANMAR / Trek in the Popa Mountain Park MYANMAR / Hike in the Usumbara Mountains TANZANIA / See the Mahale Mountains rise up from the beach along the Lake Tanganyika shoreline TANZANIA / Walk on the lower slopes of Mount Meru in Arusha National Park TANZANIA / See the Carpathian mountain range POLAND / Spot mountain gorillas in the forest at the Bwindi Impenetrable National Park (UNESCO) UGANDA / Set off on a climbing expedition to Mount Muhavura UGANDA / Climb Mount Elgon UGANDA / Explore the Atlas mountain ranges MOROCCO / Trek through the fir forests in the Talassemtane National Park MOROCCO / Hike the Overland Track to Cradle Mountain AUSTRALIA / Climb Mt Kosciuzsko AUSTRALIA / Climb Mount Vaea SAMOA / Ascend to the Inca city of Machu Picchu PERU / Travel through the hills and river valleys of the Corbett National Park INDIA / See the Andes ARGENTINA / Explore the Los Glaciares National Park ARGENTINA / Explore the Gunung Mulu National Park (UNESCO) MALAYSIA / Explore the rainforests and jungles of the Templar Park MALAYSIA / See Mount Roraima, the inspiration for Conan Doyle's “The Lost World” VENEZUELA / Explore Kathmandu NEPAL / Catch the sunrise over the Annapurna Range NEPAL / Visit Bamiyan AFGHANISTAN / Take a road trip along the mountain paths of the Hindu Kush mountains AFGHANISTAN / Climb the tolkienesque Haggier Mountains YEMEN / Cycle one of the Romanian mountain trails ROMANIA / Hike through the cloud forests in the hilly interior of Sri Lanka SRI LANKA / Visit Mount Kenya KENYA / Hike through the Armenia's countryside ARMENIA / Visit Colca Canyon - the world's deepest canyon PERU / Visit Colca Canyon PERU / Follow one of the hiking trails in the Nature Reserve of Berezinsky BELARUS / Walk the winding route from Libreville to the beach of Cap Esterias GABON / Hike in the Grand Etang National Park and Forest Reserve GRENADA / 🚶♂️ Complete a 'Walk To Mordor' challenge / 🏔️ Hike Torres del Paine CHILE / Visit the Vashlovani National Park and Nature Reserve GEORGIA / Visit Black River Gorges National Park MAURITIUS / 🏔️ Hike Fitz Roy ARGENTINA / Hike the Bay of Fires Trail AUSTRALIA / Go on a camel trek in the Gobi Desert MONGOLIA / Hike the Ha'ikū Stairs HAWAII / Hike Nevis Peak SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS / Hike La Soufriere SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES / 🏔️ Hike Kjerag NORWAY / Walk the Kokoda Track PAPUA NEW GUINEA / Visit Morne Seychellois National Park SEYCHELLES / Visit the Rwenzori Mountains UGANDA / Climb Besseggen NORWAY / Hike Eyjafjallajökull ICELAND / Hike to Trolltunga NORWAY / Climb Norway's highest mountain Galdhøpiggen NORWAY / 🌅 Hike a mountain and watch the sunrise / Hike to base camp at Mount Everest NEPAL / 🌲 Hike Grindelwald SWITZERLAND / 🥾 Hike the Muliwai Trail HAWAII / Climb Mount Ruapehu NEW ZEALAND / Visit Flores INDONESIA / Go hiking in Ireland IRELAND / Visit Torres del Paine CHILE / Visit the Kathmandu Valley NEPAL / Visit the Kashmir Valley INDIA / Visit the Erg Chebbi Dunes MOROCCO / Visit Parco Nazionale d'Abruzzo, Lazio e Molise ITALY / Visit Mount Ararat TURKEY / Walk on Lake Baikal RUSSIA / Visit Sumatra INDONESIA / Visit Kaliya Dhrow INDIA / Visit Northern Kyrgyzstan KYRGYZSTAN / Walk the Trans Bhutan Trail BHUTAN / Visit Tierra del Fuego National Park ARGENTINA / Explore a new hiking trail / Hike in Corcovado National Park, Costa Rica COSTA RICA / Visit Sapa VIETNAM /