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Soak up the sun and make the most of your beach vacation with these fun and exciting goals.
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Top 10 To Do Top 10 Done!
1. | 👙 | Go skinny dipping |
2. | 🏖️ | Build a sandcastle |
3. | 🏄♂️ | Learn to surf |
4. | 🌙 | Go swimming in the sea at night |
5. | 🏖️ | Write my name in the sand |
6. | 🐢 | Watch turtles enter the sea for the first time |
7. | 🌴 | Go to Hawaii |
8. | 🏄♂️ | Try surfing |
9. | 🪂 | Go parasailing |
10. | 🔥 | Have a bonfire at the beach |
1. | 👙 | Go skinny dipping |
2. | 🏖️ | Write my name in the sand |
3. | 🏖️ | Build a sandcastle |
4. | 🌊 | Swim in the ocean |
5. | 🌙 | Go swimming in the sea at night |
6. | 🌅 | Watch the sunset on a beach |
7. | 🌞 | Get a tan |
8. | 👙 | Wear a bikini |
9. | 👫 | Take a romantic walk on the beach |
10. | 🪂 | Go parasailing |

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Identify 100 things that makes me happy / 👙 Go skinny dipping / 🔥 Have a bonfire at the beach / 🪁 Fly a kite / Go on a vacation / 🌊 Swim in the ocean / 🏄♂️ Learn to surf / Build a sandcastle on a beach / 🧺 Go on a picnic / Go swimming / Go to the seaside / 🍾 Send a message in a bottle / Visit Brazil / Swim in the sea / Learn how to surf / 🏄♂️ Try surfing / 🌺 Visit Hawaii UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / 🪁 Build and fly a kite / 👭 Go on holiday with friends / 🌅 Watch the sun come up over Santa Monica Blvd LOS ANGELES / Watch a sunset / Go to Melbourne / Visit Miami FLORIDA / Visit Key West FLORIDA / Get a spray tan / 🌴 Visit Los Angeles CALIFORNIA / 🌞 Get a tan / Make a sand castle / Visit Lanai HAWAII / 🏰 Visit Barcelona SPAIN / List 100 things that make me happy / Ride a jet ski / Go to Bali / 🏖️ Write my name in the sand / 🐢 Watch turtles enter the sea for the first time / Visit Fernando de Noronha BRAZIL / 🌅 Watch the sunset on a beach / Go swimming in the sea / 💨 Go jetskiing / Buy a waterproof camera / Visit Martha's Vineyard MASSACHUSETTS / 🐟 Eat fish and chips at the seaside / Swim at the beach after midnight / Send my parents on a vacation / Take a tropical vacation / Visit Point Pelee CANADA / 🏖️ Build a sandcastle / 🪂 Go parasailing / 🌴 Go to Hawaii / Go to Mexico / 👙 Wear a bikini / Visit Bora Bora FRENCH POLYNESIA / Go to the Bahamas / Go to Fiji / 🌅 Visit Santorini GREECE / Go to Jamaica / Go to Miami / 🏝️ Visit the Maldives MALDIVES / Go horseback riding on the beach / Buy a hammock / Sea Kayak in Phang Nga Bay THAILAND / Build a sandcastle on the beach / Go skinny dipping in the ocean / 🔫 Have a water gun fight / 🌴 Spend New Year's Eve in an exotic location / Fly a kite on the beach / 🌅 Watch a sunset on the beach / Take a surfing lesson / Make and fly a kite / Visit Boracay PHILIPPINES / 🏐 Play volleyball / Watch the sunrise over the ocean / 🇯🇲 Visit Jamaica / Visit Ibiza SPAIN / 🥏 Play frisbee / Sunbathe / Go horse riding on the beach / 🌴 Visit Bali INDONESIA / Live near the ocean / 🏖️ Camp on the beach / Visit Cabo San Lucas MEXICO / 🌙 Go swimming in the sea at night / 🏖️ Build a sandcastle at the beach / 🏝️ Visit the Greek Islands GREECE / Visit Seychelles / Visit the Florida Keys FLORIDA / See the sunrise on the beach / Visit Byron Bay AUSTRALIA / Visit Porto PORTUGAL / Buy a nice pair of sunglasses / See the Moeraki Boulders NEW ZEALAND / Visit Tofino CANADA / Have fish and chips on the beach / Visit Cebu PHILIPPINES / Visit Montauk NEW YORK / Visit Malawi / Visit Mykonos GREECE / Visit San Sebastian SPAIN / 🌴 Visit San Juan PUERTO RICO / Visit Comoros / Visit Nauru / Visit Sao Tome and Principe / Visit Basseterre SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS / Visit Beirut LEBANON / Visit Castries SAINT LUCIA / Visit Kingstown SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES / Visit Malabo EQUATORIAL GUINEA / Visit Male MALDIVES / Visit São Tome SÃO TOMÉ AND PRÍNCIPE / Visit St. George's GRENADA / Visit Dry Tortugas FLORIDA / 🌴 Visit Virgin Islands National Park UNITED STATES VIRGIN ISLANDS / 🐠 Visit Lord Howe Island AUSTRALIA / Visit Scheveningen NETHERLANDS / Visit the Glass Beach in Fort Bragg CALIFORNIA / Visit Lake Michigan UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Visit Madeira PORTUGAL / Spend a day in Islas Cies SPAIN / Take a junk boat in Ha Long Bay VIETNAM / Build a sand sculpture / Snorkel at Hanauma Bay HAWAII / Take a vacation to Melbourne / Take a vacation to Florida / Take a vacation to Spain / 🌴 Visit Cancun MEXICO / Take a vacation to the Caribbean / 🤿 Go snorkeling in Hawaii HAWAII / Watch baby turtles hatch / Try kitesurfing / Visit Bondi Beach AUSTRALIA / Go swimming every month / 🏖️ Sunbathe at Kuta Beach INDONESIA / Catch a sunset at the Ipanema Beach BRAZIL / Visit Guadalupe MEXICO / Take a ferry across to Isla Cozumel MEXICO / Drink at a swim-up bar / Arrange for a day trip to Phi Phi Island THAILAND / Spend the day at Great Yarmouth's Pleasure Beach ENGLAND / Spend the day with penguins at Boulders Beach SOUTH AFRICA / Explore the Islas del Rosario COLOMBIA / Make a trip south to Yalta, the 'Pearl of the Crimea' UKRAINE / Discover sandy creations at the Sand Sculpture Festival UKRAINE / Explore the Atlantic beaches at Cadiz SPAIN / Watch the sunrise over Lake Victoria from Lukuba Island TANZANIA / See the Mahale Mountains rise up from the beach along the Lake Tanganyika shoreline TANZANIA / Watch the sunset from Forodhani Gardens TANZANIA / Enjoy the botanical gardens and the lakeside beach at Entebbe UGANDA / 🏖️ Relax on sandy stretches of Agadir MOROCCO / Visit Tahiti FRENCH POLYNESIA / See the palm grove near the beach of Vai on Crete GREECE / Listen and dance to calypso rhythms at a beach bar BARBADOS / Drink a bottle of Banks BARBADOS / Take a sip of Falernum BARBADOS / Spend the day at Zandvoort beach in Haarlem NETHERLANDS / Soak up the sun at the seaside resort of Scheveningen outside The Hague NETHERLANDS / Explore windswept Kolka where the Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Riga crash together LATVIA / Trek to the Bay of Fires AUSTRALIA / Bathe in the natural hot springs at Hot Water Beach NEW ZEALAND / 🌊 Visit Cathedral Cove NEW ZEALAND / Spend the day at the lagoons of Azores PORTUGAL / Celebrate the Holy Week in any of the coastal towns NICARAGUA / Spend time on the beaches of Tartus SYRIA / Lounge all day on the Doctor's Cave Beach JAMAICA / Swim at Oholei Beach TONGA / Spend the day at Anahulu Beach TONGA / Sunbathe in Monotapu beach TONGA / Go to Cardiff / Snorkel in Hikkaduwa SRI LANKA / Visit the marine sanctuary of Pigeon Island SRI LANKA / Swim naked in the ocean / Drink from a coconut / Swim in the waters off Alega Beach AMERICAN SAMOA / Spend the day at Neum beach BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA / Walk on the pale pink sands of Harbour Island BAHAMAS / Look for souvenirs in the markets in Bay Street in Nassau BAHAMAS / Drink a bottle of Kalik beer BAHAMAS / Surf the waves in one Cape Verde beaches CAPE VERDE / Explore Kampot CAMBODIA / Visit Poreč CROATIA / Spend the weekend at Le Voile de la Mariee GUINEA / Water-skii in Port Gentil at the mouth of the River Ogooue and Libreville GABON / Walk the winding route from Libreville to the beach of Cap Esterias GABON / Sunbathe at the Grand Anse beach GRENADA / Bask at the Levera Bay beach GRENADA / Go snorkelling in the White Island Marine Park and Martin's Bay GRENADA / Visit the Inarajan Shore Botanical Garden by the sea GUAM / Spend the day at Talofofo Bay Beach Park GUAM / Visit Flinders Island, Tasmania AUSTRALIA / Stroll along one of the black sandy beaches near Vik ICELAND / Visit South Beach FLORIDA / Go swimming in Bernard's Beach LIBERIA / Visit Honolulu HAWAII / Visit Mallorca SPAIN / Visit Crete GREECE / Visit Rottnest Island AUSTRALIA / Spend the weekend at one of the Lake Balaton resorts HUNGARY / Visit El Aaiún (Laayoune) WESTERN SAHARA / Visit Lelepa Island VANUATU / See La Mano en la Arena (The Hand in the Sand) URUGUAY / Visit Isla de los Lobos URUGUAY / Enjoy a sunset on Tel Aviv beach ISRAEL / Visit the Amalfi Coast ITALY / Visit Mombasa KENYA / Spend the Day at Kailua Beach HAWAII / Visit Keawakapu Beach HAWAII / Visit Grand Haven State Park MICHIGAN / 🌴 Visit Waikiki Beach HAWAII / Attend Cheeseburger in Caseville festival MICHIGAN / Attend the Pensacola Beach Air Show FLORIDA / Attend the Washington State International Kite Festival WASHINGTON / Watch a sunset in Santorini GREECE / Visit the Outer Banks NORTH CAROLINA / Watch the sunset on Clearwater Beach FLORIDA / Sunbathe at Bergen's best beach at Helleneset NORWAY / Visit Anse Chastanet SAINT LUCIA / Visit Vaadhoo Island MALDIVES / Visit Buccament Bay SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES / Visit Admiralty Bay SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES / Visit Black Point Historic and Recreation Park SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES / See sea turtle eggs hatch / Visit Hanauma Bay HAWAII / Explore Sentosa Island SINGAPORE / Visit Moorea FRENCH POLYNESIA / Visit Lamma Island HONG KONG / Swim in the lagoon at Grande Rivière TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO / Go turtle Watching in Grande Rivière TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO / Visit Koh Phi Phi Don THAILAND / Visit Koh Rong CAMBODIA / Visit Isla Mujeres MEXICO / Swim in the Mediterranean at midnight / Visit Gokarna INDIA / Kiteboard the Keys FLORIDA / Visit Crosby Beach ENGLAND / Play a game of beach vollyball / Snorkel at Malaekahana Beach Park HAWAII / Visit the Blue Caves at Zakynthos Island GREECE / Attend a full moon party in Thailand / Visit Flores INDONESIA / Visit Bohol PHILIPPINES / Visit Da Nang VIETNAM / Visit Öland SWEDEN / Visit Hotel Del Coronado CALIFORNIA / Swim in a Great Lake UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Visit Algarve (Benagil sea cave) PORTUGAL / Visit Zeila SOMALIA / Attend Nieuwjaarsduik NETHERLANDS / Visit Split CROATIA / Drink a margarita / Experience Parasailing / Take my kids on a dream vacation / Drink a margarita in Mexico MEXICO / See the seals and sea lions lounging at La Jolla Cove CALIFORNIA / Snorkel in La Jolla Cove CALIFORNIA / Visit Maya Bay THAILAND / Visit the Bazaruto Archipelago MOZAMBIQUE / Visit Rye ENGLAND / Visit The St. Augustine Light, St. Augustine FLORIDA / Visit Duinrell NETHERLANDS / Visit Ha Long Bay VIETNAM / Visit Woolacombe, Devon UNITED KINGDOM / Visit Skegness, Lincolnshire UNITED KINGDOM / Visit the Delano Hotel at Miami Beach FLORIDA / Visit Ambriz ANGOLA / Visit Bolans ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA / Visit Clare Hall ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA / Visit Sale AUSTRALIA / Visit Nicholls Town BAHAMAS / Visit Penticton CANADA / Visit Espargos CAPE VERDE / Visit the Isle of Bute SCOTLAND / Visit the Cape Cod National Seashore MASSACHUSETTS / Visit Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore MICHIGAN / Visit Isla Holbox MEXICO / Visit Ballybunion IRELAND / Visit Nayarit MEXICO / Visit Borth WALES / Visit Moalboal in Cebu PHILIPPINES / Visit Koh Samed THAILAND / Drive from Miami to Key West FLORIDA / Spend a day in St. Augustine FLORIDA / Stroll Venice Beach and the Santa Monica Pier in Los Angeles LOS ANGELES / Visit North Berwick SCOTLAND / Visit Staniel Cay BAHAMAS / Visit Hot Water Beach NEW ZEALAND / Visit Tin Can Bay AUSTRALIA / Visit Angra dos Reis BRAZIL / Visit the Cambodian Coast CAMBODIA / Visit Noosa Heads AUSTRALIA / Visit Pisco PERU / Have a sandcastle buliding contest / Visit Texel NETHERLANDS / 🤸🏼♂️ Attend a Yoga Retreat in Thailand THAILAND / Visit Yyteri FINLAND / Visit Ras al Khaimah UNITED ARAB EMIRATES / Visit Laguna Beach CALIFORNIA / Drink a cocktail out of a coconut / 💦 Visit Dunn's River Falls JAMAICA / Visit Sunbury AUSTRALIA / Visit Malindi KENYA / Ride the Hunstanton Wash Monster UNITED KINGDOM /